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  1. Warscrub gulch - General pvp/wargames

    US+ALLIANCE Hello Gentlemen, I am a new 60 twink to the bracket and was looking to inquire if anyone has a working link to the addon that lets you WSG with exp on but prevents you from getting any through whichever means. Also do the US EXP off bgs ever pop? do certain times offer a better...
  2. What professions should I snag??!

    Ya Ebah, that addon sounds essential, please do share a link if you have one good sir! I'm human so I cant get the 390 trinkets but I will still grab it for that helm that seems decent I suppose, thy do you know how much stam/crit the gathering profs give off?
  3. What professions should I snag??!

    Hey guys I am currently leveling a rogue to join the bracket and was curious which professions are recommended in this bracket? I know that we can only get to 375 in engi and BS, can we get tinkers with that? Also can mining, skinning and herb go to 450 still? I am a long time 70 twinker and...
  4. 5.4 Ptr Profession Bonus

    Sorry I don't know Alchemy that well, could someone tell me what: [with formula 16 32] means? does that refer to having the trinket that increases potion bonuses? I am just completely blanking!
  5. Prot Warrior 5.3 Arena Footage

    Thank you sir, for simplicity's here is my armory. Check out all the stats youre curious of: Brower @ The Venture Co - Community - World of Warcraft also I am new to a warrior I don't know what you mean by ultimate? care to expand
  6. Prot Warrior 5.3 Arena Footage

    Haha normally I want to kill him, guess my subconscious knew I was being recorded So I ran Mage resto shaman the other day against rogue ret, let me say ouch. It's annoying how much damage these guys output, I was arcane at the time so I went frost and showed the scum they don't know how to...
  7. Prot Warrior 5.3 Arena Footage

    Hello fellow twinks, Just got fraps and started messing around with it in some arena, haven't really done much work as far as editing the footage goes. All the footage is basically raw with Skype dialog included. I have 4 videos up on the channel right now all of Disc priest, Prot warrior vs...
  8. Level 70 Bracket: BRACE YOURSELF! HERES 5.3!

    I had the honor of playing against a Elemental shaman today and let me say my face hurt afterwards. I uploaded some games from my warriors point-of-view feel free to check out the damages! But overall I had good fun playing arenas today, I am not big on BGs so I cant say how the patch effected...
  9. Best 70 Mage checking in

    whats good lo. Dreck here lol
  10. LF New Realm, Sorry to Say I will be Cheating!!

    Honestly thank you.
  11. LF New Realm, Sorry to Say I will be Cheating!!

    Hey Twobuttons, Thanks for the inbox message inwhich you said, "Would like to offer you a chance to come play with us." I am sorry to inform you I am not interested. I don't know why you wasted your time in the first place if I clearly stated I would be leveling. You too have a nice day.
  12. LF New Realm, Sorry to Say I will be Cheating!!

    Well I never said YOU were trying to recruit me did I. If you want a screen shot just ask, thanks for butting in Zay. And for you seeing no skills in 70+ players cool, I guess now I know more about your personal views. For vengeance being removed, like I previously stated I could care less; for...
  13. LF New Realm, Sorry to Say I will be Cheating!!

    Are you sure that I will queue into euro teams if I am on US servers? Also yes bgs are merged if I have a queue over 8 min or whatever it is but if there is a battle group that has frequent enough queues that they don't go over 8 min and queue within their battle group I would never play them. I...
  14. LF New Realm, Sorry to Say I will be Cheating!!

    And sushi idk why I am getting inboxs of your guild trying to recruit me when I clearly state that I will be leveling...
  15. LF New Realm, Sorry to Say I will be Cheating!!

    I am 114-14 2380 atm without wings, goggles, niffle, taziks. I beat people all the time who have these luxuries. But anyways do any of you have active battlegroups with teams that play 2300+ thats really what I am looking for, some competition...
  16. LF New Realm, Sorry to Say I will be Cheating!!

    Ya I was messing around with spell pen for the taziks on saiber, Thanks for checking me out.
  17. LF New Realm, Sorry to Say I will be Cheating!!

    Greetings fellow twinks, the time has come for me to seek a new server I was wondering if anyone out there is recruiting. I have played a 70 twinked pally since 09(Season 6) and recently made a new one to cheat with and level to 72. I am going to play prot on him, he is equipped with taziks and...
  18. more arena plx

    Sick 2v1 stories guys, how about you tell us how you battlegroups are.
  19. more arena plx

    oh no, thats in 2s. 3s ques also suck tho lol. If you care i'm Dreckanarous-Korgath. I gota figure out how to get one of those fancy links that is auto with every post i do hah.
  20. more arena plx

    I get a lot of 7-10 min ques and get from 0-3 points. We are 2350 and on vengeance, it kind of sucks. Anyone know if there is a battle group that actually has good, frequent competition 2200+. Because it is only on the off occasion we get a 2200 team then they are done queing after 2 games.