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  1. Kearbear

    Questions & Answers

    How are things? I'm moving back to the US from China in a few weeks and have been enjoying 2-5 min queues on my Chinese toon. From what I'm seeing here it looks like the 20-29 xp off bracket queues might be substantially longer, is that the case? Are non-vet non-linked f2ps still viable or am I...
  2. Kearbear

    Back to CN server and gear up, check this vid :)

    漂亮 Hey what server are you on?? I didn't know anyone else from 20s was playing CN servers :o
  3. Kearbear

    False Advertisement? Important Vet Question

    Hey if you're really worried about it then why not just make another account? You'd be changing some gear to make a vet anyways and it doesn't take that long to set up a new toon. I won't be altering my starter account for... lets call them sentimental reasons, but making a new account is so...
  4. Kearbear

    A Change in Terminology. Unlinked F2P Accounts.

    Just for info on my perspective, I will be leaving my trial account unlinked and use my old lapsed account for vet if I feel I need to (which I currently do not), but I have nothing against anyone who links or subs up. My take on the situation you describe would be that people who are poor...
  5. Kearbear

    A Change in Terminology. Unlinked F2P Accounts.

    To be honest I've been gone for a long while (still am, too far from any servers to make logging much worth it) and was just surprised to come back and find people going nuts over a word. Care to shed some light on what about the terminology is causing the bracket to be so segregated? :(
  6. Kearbear

    A Change in Terminology. Unlinked F2P Accounts.

    I kind of have to agree, I'm not really sure how this has become such an issue. I would be okay with using any term to describe "pure" f2p but I don't follow how this has managed to get the kind of nuanced attention to terminology normally reserved for prominent political speeches. We're...
  7. Kearbear

    Tokens for gametime

    That would be more likely if they were actually going to let the value of the token float, but I don't think the system they have for assessing token worth is going to be that responsive.
  8. Kearbear

    This is why I can't have nice things.

    Ouch, bad luck :( As for the Fray Island thing, in my experience that's not as effective as dungeons. Also I've noticed for some reason that it tends to drop in level appropriate dungeons; I've solo'd RFC for hours with nothing (only seen it drop there on lower level toons) and then done a few...
  9. Kearbear

    3 days

    You can also ask if they'll take the items out of the mail for you. I had some stuff I was worried about expiring once and they moved it to a main's bank for me. I also got a few hours on a lapsed account so I could mail boas to myself back when they needed mailing, I had to open 4 tickets to...
  10. Kearbear

    The Battle For Alliance Keep is over... The Battle for F2P Glory is about to begin

    Re: The Battle For Alliance Keep is over... The Battle for F2P Glory is about to begi Sounded like a fun friendly challenge to me, idk why errbody getting so defensive. Besides I wanna watch :P :o
  11. Kearbear

    Upcoming Grandfathers WOD

    I have my suspicions concerning Garrosh's Pardon - Item - World of Warcraft, since Garrosh might not be around it's hard to tell if this quest line will be completable.
  12. Kearbear

    Between queue activities?

    I know you probably meant in-game but here's what I do most of the time: get an app like Duolingo or Busuu and use it to brush up on your second language skills while you wait. You get to feel accomplished and also prepare to scream at your team in Portuguese :o
  13. Kearbear

    Vent Your Frustrations II

    I sent in two tickets telling Blizz that I was moving to China, so that when my account logged in from a China IP they wouldn't close it for "economy exploiting" like they did last time to my trial account (that's right, they banned a TRIAL for exploiting the ECONOMY). In China for 2 days, ...
  14. Kearbear

    Lore Breakdown of New Cinematic (WoD)

    Anyone else remember this part in Warcraft III? Of course the plot was different, but the animation blew me away then, and the new one blows me away now :D Someone already mentioned it but figured I'd link for nostalgia: Dem 2002 animations
  15. Kearbear

    Custom forum signatures by bend

    Thats a badass camel. I think we need one with Izac MC-ing EVERYTHING THAT MOVES.
  16. Kearbear

    F2P Casual Chat

    I imagine so, did you pluck them using boiling water? Easiest way but it smells TERRIBLE D:
  17. Kearbear

    F2P monks

    很棒了!谢谢你啊 :o
  18. Kearbear

    F2P monks

    Woah woah woah, Taiwan has WoW separate from the PRC? What server grouping are they in ??!?
  19. Kearbear

    Warlords of Draenor Changes for F2P

    I hate to burst your happy lil bubble Lenny but,... I really don't think Blizz will engineer it so that we can invite each other just because skirmishes.
  20. Kearbear

    Vent Your Frustrations II

    Noob in this game, keeps not participating when we need like one more person on offense, but he's stealthing around without engaging at all. Keeps asking about where he can get green leather shoulders. Tell him to participate but try to help anyways and think of the ashenvale quest that drops...