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  1. F2P Gearing Up Guides!

    Here's some links
  2. F2P Gearing Up Guides!

    I think that for a chest Mutant Scale Breastplate is at least on par with Pythas with 6 more attack power, looses the 1 stam and crit obviously. Also, the Reef Axe is identical to the Cold Iron Pick other than the skin.
  3. Transmogrifier Outfit Ideas

    Really like that hunter set, very nice.
  4. A few questions on Fury Warriors

    I find that sure we can be kited, that's always been a class trait. However, if you plan accordingly and above all, get the charge in you have a chance against any class. Obviously, the bane of our existence are hunters and frost mages. A skilled hunter or mage will probably come out on top, but...
  5. Quick guide to 100+ copper/stones in 20 minutes

    I know there's plenty of mining guides around. However, I found this path to be REALLY efficient for leveling mining very quickly. You can see in my example that it's a quick loop just around a very small portion of Durotar focusing on 2 caves. The beauty of this is that by the time you...
  6. Patch Broke the F2P Chat Mod =(

    It works for me. US
  7. How important is crit for a warrior? Gearing advice

    Thanks guys, I'll stick with raw attack power for now. Is a 2-hander better than 2 one-handers or is it a matter of preference? I plan on getting both and see how it goes.
  8. How important is crit for a warrior? Gearing advice

    So, I'm building a fury warrior. I have 2 gear builds I want to share, one is favoring attack power, the other *some* crit. If you don't feel like looking at the links, here is the breakdown: Attack Power Set Health: 1104 Attack Power: 260 unbuffed Crit: 8.74% Crit Set Health...
  9. Need some priestly advice

    Awesome, I was wondering this myself. I will probably give Disc and Shadow a go for a different playstyle. Thanks for all the feedback. I'm currently level 19 and have a few of my BiS pieces already. I tried a mage but it's burst at this level dosen't seem to be able to give it a good advantage...
  10. Need some priestly advice

    I'm working on a priest. On a whim, I specced disc and am really liking it. I like the idea of a offensive healer. Can deal damage and healbot when needed. I'm wondering how it stacks to shadow for pure dps? With disc's added 15% intellect and 6% more spell power for shadow and holy spells, it...
  11. First Aid Help

    Thanks! You too. When I saw you on the field I recognized your name from the forums (I'm a bit of a lurker). Hope to see some of the rest of you around too. I'll see you, you may not see me :)
  12. First Aid Help

    Awesome, thanks for all the help! A combination of these things should help me get a good supply of bandages :)
  13. First Aid Help

    Hello all, I am currently building my f2p mage. He's level 20 and am working toward to getting all the appropriate gear. Still a long way to go, but here it goes: Isosolese @ Aerie Peak - Game - World of Warcraft. That's my howdy and here's my question. How do I get higher level cloth to...