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  1. 70 Twink Guilds

    Still looking for an active 70 twink guild! Any server (EU)! contact me :)
  2. [70] Looking for guild! - EU

    Hello! My current twink characters are located on Shattered Hand -EU on the Alliance side. I had a BiS Resto Shaman, a paladin in progress of gearing up and a disc priest with full brutal. Now I am looking for an active guild that does both PvP and PvE (70 only preferred ofc). I do not have...
  3. Ním/dogpriestx streaming priest hunter 2v2 with meat

    Damn :) thanks for including my fail :D some nice games tough, the elemental shaman had insane burst!
  4. Anyone interested in RAF?

    The idea is not to spend any money on this RAF, so when you send me an invitation for RAF I get a 10 day trial account. my skype name is jochenfostie
  5. Anyone interested in RAF?

    Without paying for any extra subscription time, isnt the RAF period 10 days? I could be mistaken ofcourse (and I've added you on skype)
  6. Anyone interested in RAF?

    --NEVERMIND ABOUT THIS THREAD, MY WAY OF THINKING WAS WRONG-- Hey At the moment my account is still inactive after my finals I'd like to start twinking again. I already have some twinks on Shattered Hand-Eu but since that server isnt great for twinks I'd like to start leveling one on another...
  7. 70 Twink Guilds

    No problem :) Ok thanks! I'll go check out those realm forums etc.
  8. 70 Twink Guilds

    Hey I am looking for an active level 70 twink guild who does both PvP and PvE, faction does not matter altough I have only leveled alliance characters before. My account is currently not active but it will be when finals are over. I already have a BiS for PvP Resto shaman, Disc Priest, a...
  9. Resto Shaman help

    bump to the top because i would really like answers to the questions above Im now full resi gemmed btw
  10. Resto Shaman help

    Thanks alot for the replies so far! but i still have some questions! - Glyph of Riptide or Glyph of Water Shield - Glimmering Naaru Sliver or Memento of Tyrande - Skyshatter boots or Pvp boots? If possible please also include why you would pick certain glyphs/gear Thx in...
  11. Resto Shaman help

    Can someone answer my questions concerning my boots and glyphs? Skyshatter boots - pvp boots riptide - water shield glyphs?
  12. Resto Shaman help

    Forgot to mention that im working on SSO rep, but thanks alot for the other tips I'd lose alot of resi because of the setbonus... what is de amount of resi that you got to have? like 600? Also for my trinket: Memento of tyrande or the Glimmering Naaru Sliver? Thx alot
  13. Resto Shaman help

    Hey, I've been reading these forums for a while now and tracked some resto shamans too but now i don't really know what to do This is me: Lumb @ Shattered Hand - Game - World of Warcraft Now my questions are: (for pvp) - Skyshatter boots (resi gemmed) or the pvp boots? -> 25sta, 7 resi or...