Resto Shaman help


Hey, I've been reading these forums for a while now and tracked some resto shamans too but now i don't really know what to do

This is me: Lumb @ Shattered Hand - Game - World of Warcraft

Now my questions are: (for pvp)

- Skyshatter boots (resi gemmed) or the pvp boots? -> 25sta, 7 resi or some more mana regen and int

- Gems: Any tips/advice on my gemming? I think I'm still going to replace the 2x sta gems on shoulders

- Gear, can i make some more improvements gear wise?

- Glyphs: Should i use Riptide or Water Shield?

- Any other tips are also welcome
First of all get rid of all gems that have stamina on them, gemming resilience on them will benefit you A LOT more.

Get the haste enchant to your back.

Get the Arcanum of the Gladiator from SSO dailies to your head.

Also you could get the spirit ring from Muru which also has resilience on it instead of the spell pen ring.

I don't play a shaman at 70 so these are the only advices I can give you atm. :)
Roittol0l said:
First of all get rid of all gems that have stamina on them, gemming resilience on them will benefit you A LOT more.

Get the haste enchant to your back.

Get the Arcanum of the Gladiator from SSO dailies to your head.

Also you could get the spirit ring from Muru which also has resilience on it instead of the spell pen ring.

I don't play a shaman at 70 so these are the only advices I can give you atm. :)

Forgot to mention that im working on SSO rep, but thanks alot for the other tips

Roittol0l said:
You could also replace your helm with this Shroud of Chieftain Ner'zhul - Item - World of Warcraft

You'll lose some resi but its nothing compared to the start upgrades from the helm and you should gem 20 resil into it anyways so wont be such a big problem.

I'd lose alot of resi because of the setbonus... what is de amount of resi that you got to have? like 600?

Also for my trinket: Memento of tyrande or the Glimmering Naaru Sliver?

Thx alot
Can someone answer my questions concerning my boots and glyphs?

Skyshatter boots - pvp boots

riptide - water shield glyphs?
- Any other tips are also welcome

IF you're in a bg, take the 1 minniute warmup time to inspect every one, heal the most PVE GEARED player. a PVE geared toon + healer = 76-0 bg's

And don't heal that guy in full greens. It just ins't worth it to heal mr does 8 dps over the PVE stack toon.

tl:dr you healing good people, and not healing bads can turn the tides of a bg, choose who you heal wisely
Just stack everything like full resil you can also get some pve items from sunwell to each 700+ resil and since resto shamans heals are insane at 70 you should not need to worry about intel gems.
Thanks alot for the replies so far!

but i still have some questions!

- Glyph of Riptide or Glyph of Water Shield

- Glimmering Naaru Sliver or Memento of Tyrande

- Skyshatter boots or Pvp boots?

If possible please also include why you would pick certain glyphs/gear

Thx in advance!
bump to the top because i would really like answers to the questions above

Im now full resi gemmed btw
A resto shaman build really varies between battlegrounds and arena. For arenas, spell pen and hit rating aren't as big a deal, because you focus on healing. Mana regen takes a larger role. However, battlegrounds need spell pen and hit rating caps -- you'll do as much good purging priest bubbles and a multitude of other things as you will healing. Mana regen takes a back seat. For battlegrounds, consider the Skull of Guldan for a trinket and the Loop of Forged Power for a ring -- together they get you close to hit capped, and still give you good stats.

Every 70-74 resto shaman should wield a Crystal Spire of Karabor if you can get your hands on one. The +200 healing is like adding 300 to 500 spell power to your heals when you need it the most.

In both cases, resil is always much better than stam.
chris6969 said:
- Any other tips are also welcome

IF you're in a bg, take the 1 minniute warmup time to inspect every one, heal the most PVE GEARED player. a PVE geared toon + healer = 76-0 bg's

And don't heal that guy in full greens. It just ins't worth it to heal mr does 8 dps over the PVE stack toon.

tl:dr you healing good people, and not healing bads can turn the tides of a bg, choose who you heal wisely

I'm always healing poorly geared people on my druid. Just because I know it annoys the **** out of Hordes who are trying to snatch easy killing blows. If everyone's taking damage I prioritise people who actually are useful, though.

On topic: I would get the 4th setbonus from Resto set. Grounding is quite amazing if used properly. All tools that help you gain upper hand against mage teams are more than welcome. Also I would stay with PvP boots, resilience is your friend in this bracket. It's not worth using tier unless there are good setbonuses(inb4 shitstorm, this doesn't apply to all classes/items)

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