Search results

  1. Achievement points - level 10 - 14

    I'm on Ysondre . Just a tiny mistake there. Might get back into achievements during winter break, might not. We'll see, I suppose.
  2. 10 Twink Armory Libraries!

    Link in sig.
  3. Where to find these?

    So... your question is where to get a random world drop? ...really?
  4. do you miss 10 wsg?? i do. game sunday aug 28th 10pm.

    This is why this bracket isn't doing well. People make a 10, then if BGs don't pop within a week, level it up and forget about this bracket forever, thus worsening the problem with queues. Seriously, leveling a new character to 19 or 29 takes all of 3 hours tops. NEVER level your twinks.
  5. Seashell Belt

    Sally sells them.
  6. Strong Level 10 Twink classes

    Any class can be successful at 10 or 14 if you gear and play properly.
  7. Question about grandfathered item recoveries

    My attempts at pre-shattering item recovery were within the last few weeks, so (and nothing against you personally here, of course) I think I'm right here. Also, proof: I was trying to recover Kimbra Boots (pre-shattering), but the GM (and quite a few others before him) would not...
  8. Question about grandfathered item recoveries

    How recently, though? I think there was a policy change with either 4.1 or 4.2 to stop recovering pre-shattering items.
  9. Question about grandfathered item recoveries

    You got yours back because the first gm was tarded. That's a very special circumstance. They will not restore pre-shattering items under normal circumstances. I tried many many times, and I had absolute proof that I had completed the quest.
  10. Question about grandfathered item recoveries

    GMs will not restore any pre-shattering items, even if you have 100% solid proof that you completed the quest.
  11. WSG SATURDAY august 13, 9PM

    I'm so proud of how this community can band together when times are tough and get thr- oh wait. Nevermind. Of course, maybe people are slightly confused and waiting for the normal queue time. I'll never know.
  12. Questions

    No. No class can be completely BiS without any grandfathered gear.
  13. THC Thread -[Cali buds]- NSFW Kids

    Got it from some random dude in a Safeway parking lot. We were quite pleasantly surprised by the quality.
  14. THC Thread -[Cali buds]- NSFW Kids

    Oooooon topic, Space Queen. If you find it, get it. It's absolutely incredible.
  15. 10 Haste Hunter?

    I would highly recommend the leather BoA helm over the mail one, as because of diminishing returns, two extra haste rating after you already have 31 equates to a very very small reduction in attack speed, making the crit more valuable, especially since without grandfathered gear (and if you're...
  16. Character sheet crit + Shadowfang proc tooltip bugs

    Skinning gives 9 crit rating, which leaves us with the sometimes-present magical 5 crit rating. I get it on my hunter sometimes, and it seems to be coaxed out of hiding by swapping weapons....
  17. BiS Resto Shaman 10?

    A good replacement for the belt would be Kessel's Cinch Wrap - Item - World of Warcraft
  18. BiS Resto Shaman 10?

    The belt in that chardev is gf'd, dread pirate ring instead of 1, +10stam&spirit on shield
  19. 1292 Justice points to exalted with WoTLK factions

    Kill people -> get honor -> turn honor to justice -> buy badges.
  20. What shield should I be using?

    Wowhead says req level 11.