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    They're up! Good game by the way Twiggi

    No pops but Darkmoon Faire is fun . If you get bored of dueling (as we all do at times), you should go try it out.
  3. WTS/Trade Mindthrust bracer

    Resto, how dare you
  4. WTS/Trade Mindthrust bracer

    Ill give you feet of the lynx and 300g or whatever. I'm on BleedingHollow.
  5. Waw Tawent vs Use Splåsh Attåck

    Phe, what addons do you use?
  6. Need a Forum Signature?

    Sure both sounds good
  7. Need a Forum Signature?

    Thank you! And instead of Use Splash Attack, could you put Ruue the Noble. Thanks again.
  8. Need a Forum Signature?

    Heyo, You may be over your 10, but if not, could you make me one?�/simple I don't care what font or background, just whatever looks cool. Thank you in advance (: By the way, I would like it to say Ruue and Use Splash Attack. THANKS
  9. Don't go Horde.

    I understand that you were trying to get people to come Alliance, but you would've stayed Alliance if you really cared. And I'm not directing this at people who have specifically went "back" to Horde. This post is another attempt at trying to get Alliance to stay put, to hopefully keep our...
  10. Don't go Horde.

    Look at the other alliance characters' posts. They pretty strongly back up my point. Once again, you're one who has gone horde aswell. Just throwing that out there.
  11. Don't go Horde.

    I know that. But you're still Horde, which is what I was stating.
  12. US Machine Gun Clicks vs Waw Tawent 10/29/2011

    What character from MGC will be streaming it?
  13. Don't go Horde.

    Sadly, you went horde too.
  14. Don't go Horde.

    Coming from one who went horde, i take your comment to the heart.
  15. Don't go Horde.

    I don't know how to make it more straight forward. Stop. Going. Horde. We lose some, we win some. Deal wit it. THANKS
  16. US Machine Gun Clicks vs Waw Tawent 10/29/2011

    Considering the circumstances (First premade as a guild, WT is the best twink guild), USA played decent. But we have our opinions.

    Alliance Waw Tawent have 6 or so people.
  18. USA vs Wt Premade?

    It's happening at 8 eastern time! Goodluck to both teams
  19. Honored with Guild.

    Okay thanks!
  20. Honored with Guild.

    You mean Wargames? If so, that'd be awesome