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  1. When a Level 10 Gets Bored: A PvE Idea

    does this still work cause i tried it today and it wasnt working =(
  2. Lvl 10 priest

    yea trolls are prob the best with BE in second....the silence is nice but there have been many times i wish my priest was a troll =(
  3. 25th aug, 10-14 wsg night 10pm.

    bump tell ur friends and set reminders for the 25th 10pm Medivh server time!!!
  4. 25th aug, 10-14 wsg night 10pm.

    sounds great cant wait for the 25th
  5. 10 warrior question

    i believe what your missing is some more strenght. strength increased parry rating and ur strenght is a few points lower than his
  6. New twinker! Looking to have some fun. Level 14 Mage bis?

    heres a char dev i made up a while ago for a 14 caster not 100% sure if its still BiS chardev 9
  7. My level 10 shaman

    looks good though i recommend u work herb up as soon as u can 170% haste is a huge boost
  8. WSG - Friday, May 12th - BE THERE!

    ill b there =)
  9. Stepz! New 10 Twink :)

  10. Level 10 - 14 Armory Library

    Vvhitelight @ Medivh - Game Guide - World of Warcraft priest =)
  11. 10-14 Warsong Gulch Night [US] 17th march Saturday!

    I recently reactivated my act so ill b there =)
  12. BG 12/20/11 9 PM Eastern Coast US

    there has been a lack of schedueled games of late due to it being the holiday season and not everyone being able to be on. There should be an increase in game after new years
  13. 169% haste and 95% crit

    i c...
  14. 169% haste and 95% crit

    its seems he got all these in the past 24 hours....
  15. BON LF 5v5 Challenge wed's dec 7th.

    i havent tried it yet so im not 100% sure but i believe u need to use the real id feature to invite friends cross realm and then u can war game against them so atleast 1 person on each team would have to be from the same realm an then they would have to start the game Edit:clarity
  16. level 10 - 14 warsong gulch night 3rd december

    Sounds like there where a lot of great games...sry I missed them I ended up hanging at a friends house =(