Search results

  1. 70 arena, what's considered impressive?

    99% w/l to 2700 yawn 100% w/l this season
  2. LF SKill Mage xfer

    You should both xfer to my server then since we actually have a decent amount of 70s here My mage: Success @ Kel'Thuzad - Game - World of Warcraft My priest: Minihydra @ Kel'Thuzad - Game - World of Warcraft
  3. BiS Disc Priest

    for what purpose? for arenas my priest is to my preference almost bis, i'd just sub in the engineering trinket for tyrandes, the other sunwell trash drop wand and maybe the crafted belt with 2 sockets Minihydra @ Kel'Thuzad - Game - World of Warcraft for bgs you can also get away with...
  4. 2 Mages combos

    easily win, thats pretty much what i do
  5. qing 2s

    Minihydra @ Kel'Thuzad - Game - World of Warcraft its at 2606 atm whenever it updates
  6. qing 2s

    someone with the highest 2s in the world atm, and figured it would be useful to have a thread to let me and other people know if they are qing up arenas looking for any challenge or just play at a high mmr to be getting more than +0/1 points, somewhat of a similar purpose to some of the AJ...
  7. qing 2s

    and done for now
  8. qing 2s

    Wonder if we need a thread of this sort to just let people know when people are qing to expect decent mmr arenas or whatever, anyways qing 2s atm at ~2600 mmr US @ nightfall btw
  9. Arena Master - come at me

    if you were on us server id've loved to farm the shit out of your 2s and 3s
  10. New rogue idea for combat

    slice and dice only affects melee attack speed not energy regen btw
  11. Highest 2s rating on US.

    psh ok fine im leveling a druid and going to get that to the top, going to complain about rsham/feral too?
  12. Highest 2s rating on US.

    ok now im back to #1 far as i know judging by that team, 2581 whenever armory updates, unless someone finds someone else for me to top!
  13. Rogue strats

    sstep ambush kidney dance ambush ambush garrote evis is the best opener you can get
  14. Highest 2s rating on US.

    ill be getting there soon save a dragon stop pve @ Nightfall - Game - World of Warcraft
  15. Highest rated 70 rogue is....

    the rest are retired, i am the master now
  16. Highest rated 70 rogue is....

    guess its me now save a dragon stop pve @ Nightfall - Game - World of Warcraft
  17. (US) 70 Arena

    anyone got a 5s on nightfall or wherever to q against so we can get the ole arena master h3h Minihydra @ Kel'Thuzad - Game - World of Warcraft