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  1. Resto Druid Transfer

    Decoder #1 rogue us imo
  2. Resto Druid Transfer

    Good luck are you willing to go horde?? or no
  3. Does Blizzard Really Care... Lets be honest.

    you can name good hunters, pallies, priests and rogues. Good luck finding/naming: resto (anything) shamans, resto druids, and warlocks.... I only know a few warriors:/
  4. Does Blizzard Really Care... Lets be honest.

    Don't forget the EU forum Extensive low level pvp feedback - Forums - World of Warcraft good luck kid(:
  5. Beyond sad.

    LOLOL? Come on horde.
  6. When games were fun? I are done.

    Why don't you play any of those 3 classes... They the most OP >.> *Rolls a hunter because they do dps with there eyes closed*
  7. When games were fun? I are done.

    k. Its all across the board. Even if it is a game... you 5 year olds are ruining for the rest of us </3
  8. When games were fun? I are done.

    Its the US.
  9. When games were fun? I are done.

    -For all the horde that read this QQin post, please chillax on rolling the holy paladins and hunters. It's gotten beyond sad. -Especially to the point where I feel bad for all the back peddling hunters that have been around for less then 48 hours. -:Alliance:Alliance isn't enjoying the...