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  1. EU Selling Shadowfangs (3)

    Give me your locked account then :p I'll put game time on it myself.
  2. IDK about you guys...

    David. I just recognized your name, I usually end up playing against you, and almost always you make the alliance shit on us horde every time we go against you. A tip of my hate to you sir.
  3. IDK about you guys...

    Sounds like an exact description of the Horde on Kul'Tiras. You nailed it.
  4. How would you balance your class (be objective)

    I never said I couldn't survive a rogue. When did I say that? Learn comprehensive reading skills and stop putting words in my mouth. All I said is I wish we had a trap at level 19 like before cataclysm. Just something to keep behind me so that I can unstealth the bastards before they assrape...
  5. Items i need to get.

    As far as I'm concerned you pretty much named off everything. There's really not like a huge list of stuff to get. At least not useful stuff.
  6. How would you balance your class (be objective)

    Hunters: Lower our damage a bit, we're kind of overpowered I'll admit. Steady Shot should regain 15 Focus instead of 9 Focus, 9 is so random and not as useful as it should be, or keep 9 Focus and lower casting time. Either one is fine. Just as it is, it's not as viable an option as it...
  7. Which faction needs help!

    Mine is. Maybe it's just my personal opinion, but almost all of the stuff you'll use wouldn't be better if it were BoA anyway. You can easily top the charts in a random battleground, and be effective as a support role when you play with friends. Play however you want man, more power to you...
  8. WoWhead Client why to use it.

    I'll use it, that way if I ever make another twink hopefully I'm not out money I didn't have to spend.