WoWhead Client why to use it.

Ok there are other examples I am sure. But here is just one.

Shadowfang for example people have jumped to the conclusion it doesn't drop anymore because wowhead doesn't say what it drops from.

How ever, shadowfang does still drop. I have talked to several people who have had it drop from bosses.

but because none of them were using the wowhead addon wow head doesn't know this.

Now for the sake of keeping the price reasonable and not shutting new twinks out of hope of ever getting this item. Or other items which may be in a similar boat. It is my honestly opinion we should use the wowhead addon and upload every time we get a rare drop.

Potential profit:

1.) possibly lower the inflation on some twink items.

2.) the community will be more knowledgeable of what's going.

3.) new comers will feel less discouraged meaning the people quitting won't hurt our community as bad.

Where to get
I've been wondering how to contribute to their statistics for a while but never put a lot of effort into it. I vote for sticky.
I'm using this for some weeks and it's a REALLY nice tool for those trying to get max Quest Achieved! They track your quest complete, which is perfect xD
This has existed since WoWheads creation, how did everyone here think all the info was obtained? The drop rates on the site aren't data mined or anything, their just a count of how many times the item has been found on it's drops.
I'm all for it, the last time I ran the Wowhead client though I ended up having to reinstall wow. =( But then again that was while the client was still in release I'm sure it's improved since. How intensive is it now and has anyone had corruption issues with it?

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