How would you balance your class (be objective)

Lawlpurge said:
Give shaman healing surge I don't understand why we werent given that in the first place like every other healing class was given buffs. Frankly it's bullshit that we heal for one seventy five on a three sec cast, it's insulting.

I agree with this though, I used to love resto shamans, never had one for myself but always wanted to create one. I dont think its fair how bad their heals are right now.
notoriousthf said:
Someone suggested [item]stinging viper[/item]'s for the poison. I'm not sure if they would work, though.

It would, but how would you use mutt then? Kinda defeats the whole purpose. :/
On my old rogue i used stinging viper sometimes in duels just so rogues couldnt stealth or id use a Magic candle. Both work well.

keep: disengage, concussive shot

remove: arcane shot, wing clip

change: steady shot to a 1.25 sec cast.


keep: disengage, wing clip

remove: arcane shot, concussive shot.

I know ppl are going to flame for removing arcane shot and wing clip. But I duel a certain 19 hunter exclusively, 100's of times, and this would be the greatest asset to evening the class in MY opinion.


receive: Healing Surge

change: Lava Lash 10 second cd > 6 second cd, Primal Strike 8 second cd > 6 second cd, double lightning shields damage.

Only 2 i can think about as of now, will update more later
I've seen a lot complaining about Balance Druids, but are they really that good?
Xposure said:
I've seen a lot complaining about Balance Druids, but are they really that good?

1k starsurge crits like its no big deal. just an everyday thing

Survival: Explosive shot is beyond OP with the DoT effect. Without maxed out gear for 19 I'm critting (with the initial hit and the DoT) very damn close to 600 or better. At level 19 it shouldn't hit so hard.

Beast Mastery: They need a better buff then a 2 second stun. I mean they do get increased damage with pets but, honestly its not that MUCH of an increase. I'd like to see a new special pet ability added if you are BM spec something along the lines of maybe a DoT effect or a silence.

Marksmanship: Aimed shot full out SUCKS! Buff it or MM isn't worth playing.
give hunters mana

12 sec conc shot cd

fix marksman

give hawk eye (1point tier 1 surv +1yd ranged attack range)

disengage lvl 20

pet spells lvl 10 so you can use the new call 2nd pet shit

scatter 30+

pet hp 1k+, remove pet resistances

nerf racial resistances to 10% or give spell pen <20

hoj scales with lvl 3 sec at 10-19

10 sec cd exorcism

remove flash heal and fol

replace penance with something thats not like lava burst with a healing option

buff healing wave to 500 (increase mana cost?)

remove 30% dmg from shs and give 15% passive when you spec in ambush so its actually utility spell

thorns 1 min cd 10 sec duration off gcd lower mana cost

dispel at 10

buff sinister strike lol

remove keeshans bandana

and boa items

nerf starsurgg!!!!!1!!!!1

ban draenei cuz their face is ugly

remove horde paladins

undo bg merge

hamstring at 10

moonfire should tick every 3

make draenor pvp realm

roots 1.5 cast

nerf mana regen of everything

give hp regen from spirit

change mana regen back to 5sec rule or whatever it was out of combat regen is bullshit

ms at least 25%

garrote back

btw delete goblins and worgens

give unlucky fishing hat with 14 stamina (bought with 2k tastyfish)

^rng can s my d

give back boots

arcane barrage rofl

old arcane missiles back

cs scale with lvl 6 sec / 3 sec blanket at 19

make lifeblood heal

give motw and other buffs back and make them stack

all hunter dmg -50% nerf

make retribution available at lvl 20

no travel form when nature is locked out

did they remove ff? if not remove

bring back all grandfathered items

^not vanity items

buff engineering engineering #1

remove steady shot

nerf 40yd spells to 35 except hunters buff charge 30yd

nerf feral

buff warlocks because nobody plays them

all racial resistances should be removed and replaced with holy resistance for all races

^or do like that other thing i said i think it was better

nerf all 500+ burst dmg

and some other stuff i cant remember

wow this bracket is garbage

also make pet ress 10 sec for locks and give hunters mana and buff mana cost
Best Rogue EU said:
give hunters mana

12 sec conc shot cd

fix marksman

give hawk eye (1point tier 1 surv +1yd ranged attack range)

disengage lvl 20

pet spells lvl 10 so you can use the new call 2nd pet shit

scatter 30+

pet hp 1k+, remove pet resistances

nerf racial resistances to 10% or give spell pen <20

hoj scales with lvl 3 sec at 10-19

10 sec cd exorcism

remove flash heal and fol

replace penance with something thats not like lava burst with a healing option

buff healing wave to 500 (increase mana cost?)

remove 30% dmg from shs and give 15% passive when you spec in ambush so its actually utility spell

thorns 1 min cd 10 sec duration off gcd lower mana cost

dispel at 10

buff sinister strike lol

remove keeshans bandana

and boa items

nerf starsurgg!!!!!1!!!!1

ban draenei cuz their face is ugly

remove horde paladins

undo bg merge

hamstring at 10

moonfire should tick every 3

make draenor pvp realm

roots 1.5 cast

nerf mana regen of everything

give hp regen from spirit

change mana regen back to 5sec rule or whatever it was out of combat regen is bullshit

ms at least 25%

garrote back

btw delete goblins and worgens

give unlucky fishing hat with 14 stamina (bought with 2k tastyfish)

^rng can s my d

give back boots

arcane barrage rofl

old arcane missiles back

cs scale with lvl 6 sec / 3 sec blanket at 19

make lifeblood heal

give motw and other buffs back and make them stack

all hunter dmg -50% nerf

make retribution available at lvl 20

no travel form when nature is locked out

did they remove ff? if not remove

bring back all grandfathered items

^not vanity items

buff engineering engineering #1

remove steady shot

nerf 40yd spells to 35 except hunters buff charge 30yd

nerf feral

buff warlocks because nobody plays them

all racial resistances should be removed and replaced with holy resistance for all races

^or do like that other thing i said i think it was better

nerf all 500+ burst dmg

and some other stuff i cant remember

wow this bracket is garbage

also make pet ress 10 sec for locks and give hunters mana and buff mana cost

Troll for real, or get the fuck out.
inner will for priests. that is all i want for my class, i don't think its asking all that much.

Lower our damage a bit, we're kind of overpowered I'll admit.

Steady Shot should regain 15 Focus instead of 9 Focus, 9 is so random and not as useful as it should be, or keep 9 Focus and lower casting time. Either one is fine. Just as it is, it's not as viable an option as it should be. Rarely do you get enough time to stand still and use it.

Give us more survivability. We can't survive at all if the distance is closed. Disengage is really useful don't get me wrong, but it can only be used when you're not stunned, frozen, sapped, etc. I would just like one trap at lvl 19. It doesn't even need to be very powerful. Just something I can guard my back with against rogues.

Maybe one weaker instant cast shot that only costs 10-15 Focus. Just something to use as a last ditch effort when you're running low, or just to use while supporting so you can manage your focus better.
Skullfokker said:

Lower our damage a bit, we're kind of overpowered I'll admit.

Steady Shot should regain 15 Focus instead of 9 Focus, 9 is so random and not as useful as it should be.

Give us more survivability. We can't survive at all if the distance is closed. Disengage is really useful don't get me wrong, but it can only be used when you're not stunned, frozen, sapped, etc. I would just like one trap at lvl 19. It doesn't even need to be very powerful. Just something I can guard my back with against rogues.

Maybe one weaker instant cast shot that only costs 10-15 Focus. Just something to use as a last ditch effort when you're running low, or just to use while supporting so you can manage your focus better.

i don't even know what to say
Evade said:
i don't even know what to say

He did preface his entire post by saying lower hunter damage so by saying that it is ok for him to ask for more utility, I guess it is a little laughable that he wants more survivability becasue I think hunters are actually quite good if they can kite like they are supposed to. I believe in pure DPS classes actually excelling at DPS, so in that respect mages need a buff in damage, there is only one spell that does anything good in pvp and that is arcane barrage. Another pure dps class are warlocks and they also need a buff to damage. Rogues are fine, other specs besides sub are a little weak at the moment but I imagine that combat rogues are great in pve now.
Grabco said:
He did preface his entire post by saying lower hunter damage so by saying that it is ok for him to ask for more utility, I guess it is a little laughable that he wants more survivability becasue I think hunters are actually quite good if they can kite like they are supposed to. I believe in pure DPS classes actually excelling at DPS, so in that respect mages need a buff in damage, there is only one spell that does anything good in pvp and that is arcane barrage. Another pure dps class are warlocks and they also need a buff to damage. Rogues are fine, other specs besides sub are a little weak at the moment but I imagine that combat rogues are great in pve now.

I'm in shock by when he said he can't survive a rogue.... Wingclip scatter, conc is hard
Evade said:
I'm in shock by when he said he can't survive a rogue.... Wingclip scatter, conc is hard

I never said I couldn't survive a rogue. When did I say that? Learn comprehensive reading skills and stop putting words in my mouth.

All I said is I wish we had a trap at level 19 like before cataclysm. Just something to keep behind me so that I can unstealth the bastards before they assrape me, and it almost always happens during cooldowns.

I don't really care whether or not you agree with me, I'm just posting my opinion.
so you can guard your back against rogues? oh you mean you want to be even more OP?
Pandura said:
Troll for real, or get the fuck out.

ur a troll

go to fuck off
Take away exorcism or nerf stun to 2 seconds max.

Reduce exorcism damage A LOT


Stances for warrior


Nerf rogue damage a bit

take away disengage

Take away flash heal imo it does too much and paladins already have ridiculous base health

I hate to say this but: Nerf mages. Ah I shouldn't have said that but 500 crit instant with no problems whatsoever is a TAD ridiculous

Give moonfire a cooldown of 3 seconds

Make starsurge a 3 second cast

Buf healing in general for shamans

Make priest's penance heal only

Make priest shield absorb 100 less damage

Nerf fear (Priest)

Buff Fear (Warlocks) so that it takes a little more damage to break it.

Buff warlocks in general as they suck although they can top damage easily and spam dots they are still hard to beat a rogue on.

Give warlocks instant Howl Of Terror or death coil.

cba to put any more

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