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  1. The Future of Premade Twink BG's

    @Mochabad I think I finally understand your post. And these RealID Premade BG's will help me and possible other twinks that are stuck on there realm. Blade Edge is a dead realm when it comes to lvl 19 twinks, RealID Premades will be the closest thing I can have to a Premade with like, a...
  2. The Future of Premade Twink BG's

    I will be honest with you, and just ask it. I really don't get what you mean. could you explain it once more? Might aswell get something useful out of it then.
  3. The Future of Premade Twink BG's

    Ofcourse I did, go look at it ;D
  4. Imbaogue's Rogue Guide

    Nice guide, but you have to add 2 things. As consumables, you got a exiler with 10 hit quite useful. And I also got a tea that restores INSTANT 98 energy, 5 minutes CD
  5. The Future of Premade Twink BG's

    Exactly, that is why PUG-BG's will never die, so I wish people who posted about ruining PUG-BG's will also understand this.
  6. The Future of Premade Twink BG's

    Was actually hoping that this would be one of the things to look out for, seems it's not that good :) maybe later.
  7. Armored Battleboar in fire

    You cant be sure enough anymore, I got a warning for standing too long at one spot...
  8. Armored Battleboar in fire

    I feel honored, A flaming boar has been named after me.
  9. The Future of Premade Twink BG's

    You two might be right there, I edited the thread abit. and sure hope this never happens!
  10. The Future of Premade Twink BG's

    Well to be honest, I really missed that fact then ._. I will change this thread abit then, but still we can make some preperations right :D?
  11. The Future of Premade Twink BG's

    I couldn't try it myself yet, if this does not work. I will look like a big fool. *fingers crossed*
  12. The Future of Premade Twink BG's

    Hello fellow twinks! I think I'm speaking for the most of us when I say that a BG filled with hunters and rogues is not the most fun you will ever get. and most of the times it will mean a lose. The fear of these BG's might be over! Ladies and gentlemen, Behold! The future! "Behold! The...
  13. warriors?

    I'm not sure about warriors. So far I never had any problems with a warrior, but I can see them rape other classes pretty hard sometimes. And I assume warriors can be pretty neat as FC's
  14. Cross-Realm Grouping

    I knew you could group up with realID mates and join a random HC or do a BG, but didn't think about the fact that it would probably also work for lvl 19's. This would be perfect for my realm since Blade's Edge - EU is kind of dead when it comes to twink. But now I should find twinks to get me...
  15. Hunter Pets

    Wondering that too, I assume they don't want twinks to have epic pets. I'm pretty damn sure that when a lvl 85 uses this boar, nothing will happen.
  16. Hunter Pets

    What and where are these fire raptor / plainstriders actually? sounds salty and intresting :D
  17. IRL Photos. (Part 3)

    Y u no real?
  18. Honor

    Nop this can't be done anymore, and also lvl 1 graveyard farming has been nerfed
  19. Level 1 hunter twink ?'s

    Kiting, just be kiting bosses. all I can say
  20. Formal Dangui - Enchants!

    Probably yes, because rune of warding is like 25% chance on a 400 dmg absorb shield (maybe even 600) with 90 sec cd, and the 22 dodge is really nice 2