Cross-Realm Grouping


boomer shaman
A small quote from the front page of MMO-Champion

•Cross realm RealID grouping is going to be expanded to cover Battlegrounds as well. Depending on how well that works it could be expanded to raids and rated battlegrounds.

So we can start a team of 10 good ally vs 10 good horde at any point in the day, just using RealID?

If it can expand cross-faction, we could see premades being done easier through RealID? That is a stretch, but we'll see in the future.

These aren't blue notes, just from interviews. You can find the info at MMO-Champion
if it allows cross realm wargames as well than premades will be very easy
Sàxxon said:
if it allows cross realm wargames as well than premades will be very easy

Yeah, I was thinking that. Hopefully we get some shit cleared up soon.
I knew you could group up with realID mates and join a random HC or do a BG, but didn't think about the fact that it would probably also work for lvl 19's.

This would be perfect for my realm since Blade's Edge - EU is kind of dead when it comes to twink.

But now I should find twinks to get me on realID :D
This may be a GIANT leap for the twinking community. If this goes through, the term 'premading' will be brought to a whole new level, and will most likely overshadow PUGs.
allahkazam said:
if this happens how will people dodge 10v10s in the future

There will be no dodging. Anyone will be available at all times to sub-in for someone.
*Holding thumbs*

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