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  1. Any Level 11 Twinks able to help farm the rings from Necrotic Wake?

    As you might know, making use of the 2nd skip for the Shadowlands Questline causes the much-needed, socketable rings from Necrotic Wake to drop with a level requirement of 50. This is entirely irreversible. However, there IS a way past it: Ask a friend who didn't use the skip to join you in...
  2. Necrotic Wake loot now level 50?

    I opened a ticket about it today. Definitely feels like I'm being cheated by an arbitrary, yet irreversible, menu decision, especially for outdated content. I'm using Timewalking rings for now, but it doesn't feel good to know I'm missing out on much better.
  3. Necrotic Wake loot now level 50?

    Farming rings from NW is proving to be a total nightmare. Like Adriano, even if gear DOES drop, it's soulbound and therefore untradeable. Starting to think these rings just aren't worth the trouble... I'm hoping an alternative is discovered soon.
  4. Do we have to wait for TBC Timewalking rotation to farm for Level 11 Fury Warrior Plate drops?

    Thank you! I actually dropped by that site but didn't find what I was looking for. After looking a second time... I'm seeing a very big, red, obvious link that's been very helpful. Thanks!
  5. Do we have to wait for TBC Timewalking rotation to farm for Level 11 Fury Warrior Plate drops?

    Hi! I'm brand new here. I made my Fury Warrior twink just today, and I can't stop playing! It's been really fun! I've seen that a lot of my best in slot gear comes from instances like Slave Pens and Underbog. We're currently in Cataclysm Timewalking rotation... maybe this is a stupid question...