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  1. Acheivment Points

    Search button is your friend.
  2. Cant Do Childers Week

    Children's week has never been possible.
  3. Level 1 achievements - "Hall of Fame"

    Updated etc, btw chubs how did you get the Cataclysm Halloween buckets as horde? I was pretty sure the one in Twilight Highlands was phased, you find a way around it?
  4. OMG Darkmoon faire is AWESOME :)

    The arena is possible to get on a low pop realm if you have bunch of 85 friends to protect you at like 3 or 6am. The big barrier to it is the 1 week per month that DMF is active, focuses everyones attention on the arena for a short amount of time, if it was always there it would be so much...
  5. Why hate?

    Anyone can do it and that's what makes it so great, since so few people actually realize how easy it is. Time and effort is all you need, well that and a love for indescribably boring tasks.
  6. Today is the Day!!!

  7. OMG Darkmoon faire is AWESOME :)

    Rather stick to the thread in my twinks level range ^^.
  8. Level 1 Achievement List - 4.3

    Correct about Ambassador not being possible anymore. While you can get DMF to Exalted there is no achievement for it (apart from counting towards the 1/5/10/etc reps at exalted thing). Oh also 25 and 30 exalted reps is possible, however I believe 25 might only be available to people that...
  9. OMG Darkmoon faire is AWESOME :)

    Looks interesting ^^
  10. Level 1 Achievement List - 4.3

    A few were doable during early wrath however the majority got fixed/changed before exp locks etc became available (there are a few level 19's around with 4-5 WG achievements), Sadly the only one still available is "Wintergrasp Ranger" which just requires you to kill 10 people at each major...
  11. Pet collector's rejoice

    Captured flame is the little ball of light pet that you have been able to buy from the midsummer vendor for a couple of years now. I'm assuming you thought it was the mini fire elemental pet that dropped from Ahune (and you can now get in Molten Front). The guy above is correct in saying...
  12. Phasing, really an issue for some molten front achievements?

    Yea, you just need to be near where the guy is getting killed and in the same group as the person who tagged it.
  13. Pet Battle System (For you pet nerds)

    From what I understand, all pets from all characters on your account will be merged into 1 pet UI accessible from every char on that account. Meaning if you have a level 20 rabbit you've been leveling on you 85 warrior, you can then log onto your level 1 twink go to the pet UI and start...
  14. Achievements wide

    Personally I can only see them making a completely separate tab for account wide achievements (which is still cool), some personal achievements might have a cross-over (maybe they'll make an account wide HK achievement which uses the total HKs from all your chars) but I can't see them completely...
  15. Pet Battle System (For you pet nerds)

    So this just got announced at blizzcon and it is essentially pokemon for WoW in all but name. Just curious to see how many pet geeks we have out there, who has some awesome collections and are you forward to this? Apparently it will be available to all levels so hopefully that stays...
  16. Unfortunately...

    Disappointing, especially since horde are the better faction.
  17. Achievements wide

    Curious to see how it will end up working, they said only certain achievements will be account wide, whether it kills the point of level 1 achievement collecting is still up in the air I guess, hopefully not but what can you do
  18. Level 1 twink Raiding guild with lvl 3 healers

    Wouldn't be a level 1 guild then would it.
  19. Magelo

    Form > Function