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  1. Hansomreiste

    Is this really bannable??

    In my opinion what would make leveling more enjoyable without remaking leveling system/rewriting quests is to let players complete zone chapters in any order they prefer, let's say you do 4/8 zone story chapters and you can move on to the next zone, that way if the blizzard was dissatisfied they...
  2. Hansomreiste

    Is this really bannable??

    The decision to implement zone scaling was clearly meant to slow down players, perhaps not in progress, as it was introduced during the last patch of legion, but in the pace at which the game was played. Now instead of 1-2 shotting the mob which was lower level than you, you had to fight a mob...
  3. Hansomreiste

    List of new TW Cata Dungeons?

    Did they fix cata vendors?
  4. Hansomreiste

    Are 20s twinks mainly for pvp or can they solo dungeons like lvl11s?

    BM hunter can solo as well, not as high damage as Survival but with exotic spirit beast you get 2 extra healing spells so you don't have to worry about your HP.
  5. Hansomreiste

    What did you loot today?=)

    Got sweeper mount in the first box of the day at lvl 20. :PepeComfy:
  6. Hansomreiste

    What did you loot today?=)

    Swift White Bird from timewalking dungeon.
  7. Hansomreiste

    The War Within F2P Baseline Guide

    Awesome! Thank you for the guide and clarifying about Int/SP enchants scaling, started to wonder some people had GFd enchants.
  8. Hansomreiste

    The War Within F2P Baseline Guide

    Ok. That should be corrected in the guide then, there it says 8 at lvl 20.
  9. Hansomreiste

    The War Within F2P Baseline Guide

    About enchants, 'Enchant Weapon - Mighty Spellpower' from wotlk gives +8 like 'Major Spellpower' from tbc except no farming for formula is needed.
  10. Hansomreiste

    WOD Timewalking

    Every boss in Everbloom drops loot when you go solo, needs further testing with other dungeons
  11. Hansomreiste

    F2P Traveler's Log Guide

    This year's Plunderstorm requires active sub so nothing for f2p here, same as before.