Search results

  1. How will Waw Tawent do this time around?

    Very, very, inspirational.
  2. Merging bg's??

    You have always been able to fight against noobs. trolololol
  3. T-shirt entries here

    Winner .
  4. Is that a challenge / competition ?

    Horde also suffer this just not at the time you play. You play when the good Horde players log on at work, as every dedicated wow player should, and when all the Alliance kids are getting ready to go to school.
  5. Johneffer's Goodbye

    1. Screen shotted in case law suit comes up. 2. You are a wangster yourself. 3. Looks like someone is a little too addicted to WoW. 4. Looks like someone is a little too addicted to TI. 5. Looks like your mother must have been a push-over to you your whole life, if you're still acting like...
  6. Clarification

    No, I always capitalize Christmas. Respect God. There would be no point in trolling you on a different account, that's just not necessary.
  7. agm discourgeing from twinking healer

    no shit john
  8. 19 Enchantment shaman, Yes or no?

    Do you see a question mark?? See what I did there? Again I did it, I'm pretty funny.
  9. Clarification

    that was a cover up incase my plan didn't work ofc
  10. Clarification

    K cuz I just wanted to let you know I keylogged your computer hacked your passwords. i might change some stuff up on facebook and maybes sent sum stuff on your email and do some other stuff if i'm feeling up to it today..... because i adore wasting my time on 14 year olds lives
  11. Clarification

    so you wanna say sorry to me yet?
  12. Greetings!

    And now John is here sending me PM's that I did it loooool.
  13. Should I take my level one to 19

    Pm me. .
  14. Should I take my level one to 19

    Yes. That seems fair as they are going for 1.5k gold on a ser ver I don't play on..
  15. Should I take my level one to 19

    No, unless u get me some tcg stuff or gold or novility items or twink items, etc.
  16. Should I take my level one to 19

    What server
  17. Should I take my level one to 19

    horde hunter? yes
  18. Are Game Masters stupid?

    John will be banned from TI, it's just a matter of time.
  19. Are Game Masters stupid?

    What battlegroup?
  20. IDK about you guys...

    OP if youre talking about the last game, yes that was a horrible game, and that Hunter pisses me off on all my twinks.