19 Enchantment shaman, Yes or no?


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Hello everybody. I am new to this site. Been using it for about a month, but just made this account so i would be able to post this thread.

I am wondering whether or not i should make a 19 Enhancement shaman.

I got some different gear to it already. Like Skeletal Club and Feet of the Lynx , etc.

I hav'nt seen a 19shaman ench. twink for quite some time, and i dont know if they have been nerphed or anything, and i cant find any guides on them since 4.0.1.

(If this gets totally shut down, im also up for making a 29)

Edit: If i should make 1, does any1 know any guides, and can they link? :)
Elemental is really the only good spec, you can go enhancement but if you wanna be a shaman i say go elemental.
Its fun, but impractical. If you don't mind having some fun at the cost of being effective, nobody can stop you.
Okay guess i wont make one then :). thanks for the responses.

Going for a 19 druid FC :). Got a lvl 15 druid lying around anyway. ^^
I used to play with some really good Enhancement Shamans, or should i say against. I forgot their names and dont know how active they are. Im assuming, based on talking to these people they are inactive and playing their mains.

Twinkin said:
You people here are too quick on decision making. Do a little research. Pizzamaineac @ Bleeding Hollow - Game - World of Warcraft

Tell me that build looks bad. Check out his Spellpower. GG.

Is that a rhetorical question?
go for it! the key to playing a 19 enhancement shaman, is, make it work. i was playing my mage the other day. ran into a goblin, dual wielding, and i snickered a little bit.

because i was holding flag, i decided to try and CC him, instead of nuke him.. i died. all he did was slap me across his face with those two damn maces, and it hurt!... i think he got a 450+ lava lash crit in on me, which is pretty good >.<

anyways, i've been toying with the idea of making one of these rare twinks myself, but i'd like to take it a little more radical, and actually start hurting things. badly.

i think, no i know its possible. just need to make it work. its not like you put a mage in front line duty, just blasting in the middle and shooting spells left and right.. (or well, MOST of the time, standing back works slightly better)

same goes here, play your cards right, and it'll be quite funny a quite interesting
Adorablez said:
Is that a rhetorical question?

Do you see a question mark??

See what I did there?

Again I did it, I'm pretty funny.
Twinkin said:
You people here are too quick on decision making. Do a little research. Pizzamaineac @ Bleeding Hollow - Game - World of Warcraft

Tell me that build looks bad. Check out his Spellpower. GG.

That build looks bad.

Enhancement Shamans gain their Spellpower from Attackpower. Stacking full Spellpower makes absolutely no sense at all. He has about 60 more Spellpower then me while I have over 11% more crit and over 132 more Attackpower then him. The only thing his Spellpower benefits is his Shocks, (and our 2.8 second heal) it's just dumb to stack full SP as Enhancement.

Because Shamans gain 2AP per Agility you have to gear more like a Rogue, if you're looking for a perfect Enhancement Shaman build check out mine.
Twinkin said:
You people here are too quick on decision making. Do a little research. Pizzamaineac @ Bleeding Hollow - Game - World of Warcraft

Tell me that build looks bad. Check out his Spellpower. GG.

I'm 100% positive that Maineack had no intention to pursue a proper enhancement build on his shaman, thus only being in nearly all caster gear and no additional new pieces of Cataclysm gear.
I would say yes to Das's gear set up. Only things i have difffrently on mine then his is Aurastone MH for shocks and totem damage and bandit cloak. And btw Das good fights last night in wsg. Evil goblin..

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