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  1. Sunex: 70 rogue twink.

    Hey again :) I have released the second video already. You can find the link in the original post.
  2. Sunex: 70 rogue twink.

    Will do and thanks!
  3. Sunex: 70 rogue twink.

    Tbh, it is working out for us fine. Also, me and him are very good friends, that's another good reason to play together ;)
  4. Sunex: 70 rogue twink.

    I stunlock a guy we nuke, so he can't LoS him, about healing out, I don't really think it's possible when we are both nuking him... You saw my dps on 80s with 25k HP. Imagine what happens on 70s with 12k with us both nuking.
  5. Sunex: 70 rogue twink.

    BM hunter has stun immunity, and my partner has no pvp trinket atm, so it works out good.
  6. Sunex: 70 rogue twink.

    I got the dagger from KJ, in my bank. Trust me dude, I've tried everything, though this works the best with my setup (BM hunter + me), since with muti or combat I get kited way too much, and I always get CCed on SdD.
  7. Sunex: 70 rogue twink.

    It is enchanted, you see that slowing speed? That's Flexweave Underlay - Spell - World of Warcraft. And yes, I've tried combat. It is only good when you use killing spree, other than that, damage is shit. And I bet, if I made vid with owning with killing spree, I would get laughed and told...
  8. Sunex: 70 rogue twink.

    Hey, thanks for comments. Could you make it more clear on the WSG part? I didn't really understand it. P. S. My guild is still small - we got only 8 people, of which only like 5 are active.
  9. Sunex: 70 rogue twink.

    Hey guys :) Long time read, first time poster here. I have just finished making my first WoW video with windows live movie maker. It is video of my level 70 rogue twink dueling various people outside orgrimmar. Comments, please. Sunex: Level 70 twink PvP By Sunius - World of Warcraft Movies...