Sunex: 70 rogue twink.


Hey guys :) Long time read, first time poster here. I have just finished making my first WoW video with windows live movie maker. It is video of my level 70 rogue twink dueling various people outside orgrimmar. Comments, please.

Sunex: Level 70 twink PvP By Sunius - World of Warcraft Movies

P. S. Watch it HD (720p) or you won't see every detail :)


I have released my second video, just this one is longer (23 minutes). Youtube hosts only up to 10 minutes, so I've split the vid to three fragments :) :)

Here you are: - first fragment; - second fragment; - third fragment.
well 1st off welcom

secondly...nice gear and YOU showed skill dueling, but the higher levels you beat were just awwwwful; not skilled and, with the exception of that warrior and one mage with possible t10 shoulders, not geared. but you still did good, its not their fault they suck. just saying against a skilled or geared high lvl you'd still be toast...although ya might put up a bit of a struggle. also unless you're expertise capped always attack from behind so you dont get parried/dodged (saw a couple times you attacked from front, like during the one pvp scene specifically)

rated arena vids should be pretty good if you have a high amount of twinks on your battlegroup like i do. also remember you can do wsg and either turtle the flag (we have a warrior hold it and a druid heal and 79s rage b/c they cant kill 70s) until 1min left then /afk...or if you cant premade just control mid/assault flags until one team is about to cap the 3rd flag, then afk. that way you still get some battlegrounds fun - and honor - but get no xp.
Falkor said:
well 1st off welcom

secondly...nice gear and YOU showed skill dueling, but the higher levels you beat were just awwwwful; not skilled and, with the exception of that warrior and one mage with possible t10 shoulders, not geared. but you still did good, its not their fault they suck. just saying against a skilled or geared high lvl you'd still be toast...although ya might put up a bit of a struggle. also unless you're expertise capped always attack from behind so you dont get parried/dodged (saw a couple times you attacked from front, like during the one pvp scene specifically)

rated arena vids should be pretty good if you have a high amount of twinks on your battlegroup like i do. also remember you can do wsg and either turtle the flag (we have a warrior hold it and a druid heal and 79s rage b/c they cant kill 70s) until 1min left then /afk...or if you cant premade just control mid/assault flags until one team is about to cap the 3rd flag, then afk. that way you still get some battlegrounds fun - and honor - but get no xp.

Hey, thanks for comments. Could you make it more clear on the WSG part? I didn't really understand it.

P. S. My guild is still small - we got only 8 people, of which only like 5 are active.
Was okey, nothing really special but it was not bad either, exept when you show'ed gear and spec (Zzzzzz). I think some arena whould be more interesting.
liked the one vs the ud mage, would like to see more long duel with resets but idk if they do resets at endgame..
Sunius said:
Hey, thanks for comments. Could you make it more clear on the WSG part? I didn't really understand it.

P. S. My guild is still small - we got only 8 people, of which only like 5 are active.

if you do wsg with your guild:

1. make sure everyone is on a BC account or turns xp back ON

2. que up as a grp

3. have your tank hold the flag & have your healer(s) heal. dps kill everyone. for maximum lulz hold their flag in their GY. wsg is 70-79 so its hilarious to rape higher lvl ppl.

4. do not cap flag. if FC dies and they return then cap...its ok, but try to not let it happen

5. if all goes well, /afk with 1 minute left. if the game ends - even as a 0-0 tie - you get xp. so make SURE you leave before the game ends to avoid xp. if you are on a BC capped account, then you can play the whole time w/o worrying

if you are doing solo wsg:

1. rape

2. ???

3. profit.

4. /afk (leave) when a) 1min left b) horde about to cap 3rd or c) alliance about to cap third. other than that you can camp mid, camp GYs, or just play it like a normal wsg....but thats not as fun

REMEMBER you get 15min deserter debuff for afking, even with 1min left. so thats why i say playing it like a normal wsg is not as fun, if you're playing properly & assisting FCs and such then alliance will win quick and you're BG time will be up and you have to wait 15mins to play again.

those tips are just if you have WotKL or are grouping with guildies with WotLK.

IF you have BC only than you can play any BG you want w/o getting xp so que up for av, eots, wsg, ab, etc what ever tickles your fancy.
To add to falkor's text, you have to leave when your faction (horde in your case) is about to cap first flag, cuase every flag cap for your team give xp.

If you do with a whole guild you can also log out when there's 1 minute left cuase you dont gain xp when your logged out, just make sure to set a timer or something cuase you dont wanna log in while the game is still going.
Umm afaik you only get xp at the end of the game, not for individual caps.

the logging out thing is interesting though. if you log in time you dont get xp or the deserter debuff? could be the new way to go but you have to be extra careful you log out in time to avoid xp and dont log in until the game is over. /afk is definitely the safest way to go if you dont mind the debuff. also in between wsgs (if you get the debuff) you can just do rated arena or unrated arena, which ever floats your boat
I find it interesting these are the same people who condemn me for "owning against levelers." I would take everything they say with a grain of salt, it's the "internet guru" syndrome.
i dont really own levelers that much tho, i just play against other 70 twinks
Falkor said:
i dont really own levelers that much tho, i just play against other 70 twinks
There's no diffrence in owning levelers and play against other twinks when your pro like us :p
For all any of us know, you may very well be as good as you claim you are. As long as every claim is a logical conclusion with factual evidence, all of the 'he said she said' opinions on skill won't get in the way of bettering one's self.
btw dietz i dont think anyone has condemned you for owning levelers, just glance. by all accounts you're a piece of shit player.
Dietz said:
For all any of us know, you may very well be as good as you claim you are. As long as every claim is a logical conclusion with factual evidence, all of the 'he said she said' opinions on skill won't get in the way of bettering one's self.

Yay for Dietz for using special words to act like Dietz is pro, when Dietz is really just a scrub hiding behind Glance's baddieness.

We support this rogue because he's not a immature brat who wants to show off his Killing Blows and average flag caps on forums and get "GJ MANG" praise. Plus, he has room

Go away Dietz.
By the way Sunex, enchant your cloak.

and I'd think combat would be more damage.

should also get thrown from swp trash

and what'd you use to film that?
Regroovenate said:
By the way Sunex, enchant your cloak.

and I'd think combat would be more damage.

should also get thrown from swp trash

and what'd you use to film that?

It is enchanted, you see that slowing speed? That's Flexweave Underlay - Spell - World of Warcraft.

And yes, I've tried combat. It is only good when you use killing spree, other than that, damage is shit. And I bet, if I made vid with owning with killing spree, I would get laughed and told I got no skills.

I've been farming Sunwell for long, though I never saw it drop. I still need new neck (from rare JC pattern in swp), thrown, trinket from Mu'ru and a cloak from KJ.

I used fraps to capture that.
get dagger from kj and a good oh & rock shd or muti! with engineering and those in arena it'd be burst fest. i personally see engineering as a crutch...but its a powerful crutch. pyrorockets and gnomish skill generator + muti or ambushes = win
I got the dagger from KJ, in my bank. Trust me dude, I've tried everything, though this works the best with my setup (BM hunter + me), since with muti or combat I get kited way too much, and I always get CCed on SdD.

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