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  1. EU Blackout - What you need to know.

    I dunno, I think your spincter has been pumelled so many times you'd struggle to get satisfaction from my pecker.
  2. Just wanted to say that BOA's or no BOA's, Dazzling longsward is still a no-go

    I've always taken the approach of maxing out my utility without breaking the game mechanics. I say when it comes to duels and arenas you stick to the base abilities of your class. If it's not usable in arena - it's not usable in duels. Fairie Fire is a class ability of druids - it is...
  3. what class beats a hunter

    I'm talking arena and duels, WSG is just about who's watching your back.
  4. EU Blackout - What you need to know.

    There's nothing worse than penis envy Tom.
  5. Arathi Basin popped on Ruin 59s!

    Medan get your dick out of other brackets threads.
  6. Rogue or warrior?

    Without crippling can't see how a rogue can beat a good warrior, los or not.
  7. What would you do...

    Skilled hunters are monsters in this bracket.
  8. Just wanted to say that BOA's or no BOA's, Dazzling longsward is still a no-go

    I'm going to fucking enforce it. IF they use DLS they won't have access to my IRC channel. Teach the bastards. Oh, and with reference to your signature, what's so skilled about putting your dick in a hole?
  9. what class beats a hunter

    Ummm in WSG a hunter with a healer is dangerous, that's why Kutty would get us to zerg the hunter first. 1v1 very few classes can beat a hunter with full utility - tidal/agm etc. A rogue CAN do it, if he gets lucky with gouge/some cc on the feign death, and a cs+ks on the flare. SL locks also...
  10. EU Blackout - What you need to know.

    A few WSG once twice a week hardly constitutes a bracket. The fact that you encourage good men to transfer here on the basis of a pipe dream really sickens me. It's time to step up to the plate.
  11. What would you do...

    I'm holding too much water in my face. Think i'll drop the carbs.
  12. EU Blackout - What you need to know.

    Well kutty, WITHOUT YOU 49 is in it's current sorry state. Sure you are a prick sometimes but no one can deny your good work in MYL.
  13. Just wanted to say that BOA's or no BOA's, Dazzling longsward is still a no-go

    Warrior cannot beat good rogue at 39, even Prot, it is simply impossible, especially with Conc.Blow nerf.
  14. Just wanted to say that BOA's or no BOA's, Dazzling longsward is still a no-go

    Splenda yo just got yo ass handed to yo.
  15. What would you do...

    Am I cramping your style, Tom?
  16. What would you do...

    Well, isn't this one for the books Tom.
  17. What would you like...

    1. Stability - I cannot stress this enough. That doesn't mean running your server on a crappy laptop. It means a dedicated server and a lot of bandwidth. If you cannot support the infrastructure don't even give false hope. 2. A set of gear that reflects the status quo. 3. Banning...
  18. Just wanted to say that BOA's or no BOA's, Dazzling longsward is still a no-go

    I'll fuck you in front of the bishop.
  19. Just wanted to say that BOA's or no BOA's, Dazzling longsward is still a no-go

    No i had a big debate with him and he agreed to stop using it. Talking about rogue chances a load of shit. Have your sword, I'll just take a priest 24/7 and stuff you all.