Search results

  1. 85 Double dps teams

    I played Enhance (me) and Rogue at 1.9k-2k MMR and Hunter/Warr (currently at 1.7k+MMR) for 2's. Double dps is also about CC, if you and your Warr can time focus pummels --> Repentance --> HoJ --> Fear there should be enough CC to burst with Wings and Colossus. WoG is insane right now for Ret so...
  2. just starting LoL

    so i just decided to download LoL for those times when my arena mates arn't online and i'm standing in Org. Could anyone give me a overview of the game and what the classes are like?
  3. 3.3.5 server, hunter PvP spec

    for pve the spec you want is 7/57/7 with 5 in hawk 2 in the + 2% (i think) damage on the far left of the tree. the Survi you want 5% tracking buff and the 4% damage 4% reduce damage talent. Hope this helped :-) also Spec out of Arcane Shot, at 400Arpen from gear Steady Shot becomes better in...
  4. server shutdown?

    my Bnet was down then my Crucible of Carnage bugged so i relogged and now it says on the launcher it's not recognising the patch information O.o and Blizz's websites down too :< wanted 85 before Conq points reset on my alt.
  5. EU Draenor alliance // Sell me your Mindthrust Bracer's!

    I have a pair spare. Spár Alliance Draenor :-)
  6. Draenor EU, Level 70 twinks, (5v5 & more)

    I'm slightly confused with level 70 twinks. Can you still get bg's as locked xp or does it need to be a TBC account? for EU that is
  7. Whats a good 39 twink realm?

    he said he's Durotan us - emphasis on US :-) can't really help here was just pointing it out :)
  8. [OFFICIAL] The pokémon thread!

    does anyone use pokemon emulators?
  9. Watch this! MMA Knockout! :O

    This is proper pvp :3 He ran off the wall like a ninja! >.< I think he just got ambushed in patch 4.0 :<
  10. Mechbuilder's Overalls

    Horde Burning Steppes EU selling these and also have 3 Orb of Deceptions for sale :-) Not transfering but am willing for a low but reasonable price for your trouble.
  11. tidal charm grandfathered?

    Yeah it was mate, it was mentioned here on TI.
  12. Is WoW EU Bugged?

    probably bank being a knob because i've had complete access since Cata with no problems, sorry to say it mate. Gl with getting it fixed :)
  13. 19 wsg / eu / que tonight!

    does anyone know why me and my guildys can't have a War Game? 3v3? it says my teammates are unavailable? but they're buth 19 and unqueued to any games.
  14. 19 wsg / eu / que tonight!

    Still saying unavailable for me not on Blackout.
  15. 19 wsg / eu / que tonight!

    Is the bug fixed yet? really wanna get some games in.
  16. whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa

    2AP and 0.0575% crit vs. 0.33% crit = 1Agil vs. 1Crit Rating :D
  17. Taking over the crown 2

    gawd, everyone knows he likes to type his french accent! <3
  18. EU login servers...

    would it help to say on Haomarush (new Stormscale players) theres 3 81's about 10mins ago. Also plenty of realm first 525 Cookingfrom what i've seen.
  19. warrior rage. changed as of 4.03

    would this put a fast OH at BiS now? e.g Gutterblade
  20. Onyx Claymore and The Black Knight

    Does anyone else have a passionate hate for these items. I search for 39 on AH and when scrolling down i see these at 40g thinking they're Shadowfang. Burn in hell. :<