Search results

  1. Meancritz

    Level 22 Dual Destiny Warrior?

    Chops is not a fan of destiny it seems
  2. Meancritz

    Level 22 Dual Destiny Warrior?

    Auction house, set me back quite a sum tho req lvl 22 ilvl 28, proc is the same so was perfect for my theory test
  3. Meancritz

    Level 22 Dual Destiny Warrior?

    I don’t know about you, but I’m feelin 22
  4. Meancritz

    Level 22 Dual Destiny Warrior?

    At level 22 you unlock rank 2 whirlwind which removes the rage cost and makes ww generate rage instead. I decided to test out how good a spin to win aoe warrior would be so I made and geared up this twink at lvl 22. So far he’s preforming very well and I think is far superior to my lvl 20 twink...
  5. Meancritz

    10s Armory List arcane mage, work in progress
  6. Meancritz

    Just Gonna Leave This Here

    One time kill rare, I got it today. It’s not from my bank or anything it dropped as is, seems to have escaped the level req nerf
  7. Meancritz

    Just Gonna Leave This Here

    keep it lowkey, you're welcome
  8. Meancritz

    Void shrouded satchel - Touch of the Void heirloom, for free on NA region

    If you still have I have a char on Nerzhul horde named Tentacleman. Been searching for this trink forever
  9. Meancritz

    Dungeon Friends

    Anyone want to trade dungeon runs? I’m NA Horde, Battletag is Kyle#1638
  10. Meancritz

    Magisters' Terrace on level 25s

    Good call
  11. Meancritz

    Magisters' Terrace on level 25s

    Just fyi but though you cant port to the Isle of Quel'danas via Shattrath (requires level 30), you can be summoned there and you can also set your heath there. Magisters' Terrace normal is unqueable, but entering the instance scales it down to your level and many of the socket drops might be BiS...
  12. Meancritz

    +7 relics for artifact weapons

    On a level 25 I’ve farmed a few +7 ilvl req lvl 19 relics
  13. Meancritz

    Farming Friends! (F2P/Vet tags)

    Kyle#1638 Horde NA
  14. Meancritz

    Looking for friends

    Hi! This is my first ever post but I’ve been lurking for years. I just recently returned to WoW and I’m looking for some friends who are also into twinking. Always down to help out or get helped haha let me know; it’s tough playing on a dead server with no friends :( My btag is Kyle#1638...