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  1. Critical Bug Found Please Report Immediately!!

    I believe that they are automatically down ranking the spells and that's a good thing. Used to be that those applying the buff basically had to do a trial and error to find the highest rank that would actually work on a low level character. For those a bit smarter, they would write or copy a...
  2. Dumb Question, but is this bracket a No Go?

    Of course, they're focused on hitting 60 first. In order to actually create a twink and gain an unfair advantage in BGs over other players, you need a source of gold, gear, and enchantments for the twink. And since you can't turn off XP, you need to be extremely careful in what your twink to be...
  3. Stat Climbing is "Too Damn High!"

    "They could easily just increase the next Tier by a small percentage,..." And you've just stated the root cause of the problem without realizing it. The instant that power increase is a multiplicative function (such as a percentage) instead of an additive function, you're going to get...
  4. How to que bg's wtih out dinging

    You have a couple of choices. 1. Find enough fellow twinks to participate so you can all queue while XPOFF and get the queue to pop in a reasonable amount of time. This might be rather difficult since it seems that the majority of twinks aren't interested in fair or competitive PvP. 2. Get to...
  5. WTB MOP wow account, without the newer expacs

    Actually, it's worse than that. EVERYONE'S client is automatically upgraded to the latest version of WoW (BFA currently). It has to be in order to be able to view BFA gear equipped by other players around you, understand BFA spell effects that affect you, etc. But if you haven't upgraded to the...
  6. The return of the throw away toons? Options now that XP-off have a separate queue.

    Sorry, didn't notice that the thread was necroed.
  7. The return of the throw away toons? Options now that XP-off have a separate queue.

    When is this nonsense going to stop? If your statement had the slightest element of truth in it, you wouldn't be complaining about XPOFF queue times.
  8. Gold is golden

    Why run the risk of getting your account banned? Just buy a WoW Token from Blizzard and sell it on the Auction House. Totally legit and it won't get your account banned.
  9. As some predicted: Queue-bugging patched in 8.2

    The only reason you have to coordinate outside of the game to set up a weekly wargame is because your community is so small. And the fact that your community is so small mostly invalidates your argument about money. Blizzard is seeing a miniscule percentage of its player population causing a...
  10. As some predicted: Queue-bugging patched in 8.2

    I think you're confused about the difference between an exploit vulnerability and the mechanism by which the vulnerability was being exploited. For the queue exploit, the vulnerability was a race condition between entering the battle ground via clicking the accept button and the turning off of...
  11. PTR Interesting....

    Only if by "engaged", you mean "overly entitled and annoying". Blizzard originally have experience off in battle grounds and honestly, I suspect that they never expected twinks. But people being people, found ways to gain an advantage over others and the twinking community was created. And...
  12. PTR Interesting....

    What?!?!? News flash, twinks are a minority of a minority of the overall player population. There is NO substantial twinking community. And the twinking community is in turn divided into two sub-communities. Those are the community of twinks who desire and enjoy competitive and challenging PvP...
  13. Twinks entering XP-on BGs is probably about to get fixed

    You might want to check your history a bit. Originally, there was no XP granted in battle grounds and twinks became a problem. Finally, just prior to patch 3.2 Blizzard announced that they would be granting XP in battle grounds. The twinks screamed blood murder about the upcoming change...
  14. Twinks entering XP-on BGs is probably about to get fixed

    Right now, I'm uncertain if they're really that dense, or if they're simply trolling.
  15. Twinks entering XP-on BGs is probably about to get fixed

    And anyone reasonable would understand that the actual mechanism by which an exploit is implemented has no basis for being banned for the exploit? It doesn't matter if you're exploiting the underlying race condition with the assistance of a macro or just using the mouse to click on both buttons...
  16. It's Time to get the EXP Eliminator Bug Abuse / Exploit Patched

    Sorry, but that's not the root issue. The root issue is that there's not enough players actually interested in the PvP play you desire to have a population large enough to get reasonable queue times. Not enough people = "shitty queue times". And there's no way that Blizzard can force enough...
  17. Twinks entering XP-on BGs is probably about to get fixed

    Gee, then I guess that no one would ever get a ban for simply splitting a stack of potions and then drinking each individual potion. After all, that means they didn't use any 3rd party programs, nor any macros, nor any addon using the wow api.
  18. Twinks entering XP-on BGs is probably about to get fixed

    No. What you've described is a way to mitigate the actual bug, but it will not actually fix it. What's happening is that what's called a "Race Condition" is being exploited. The race is between two different threads of operation. One thread is checking to make certain that you're still eligible...
  19. Twinks entering XP-on BGs is probably about to get fixed

    I'm assuming from your reply that you have no experience with programming real time systems. What this exploit is doing is exploiting what's called a "Race Condition" between two different threads of operation. Those threads being the one that checks for eligibility for a battle ground that just...
  20. EU+US Have people been banned for using 'Queue Macro'?

    Not really, that would just mean a 48 hour cooldown on the twink entering the XPON battleground.