Search results

  1. weather-beaten

    Got it! 1 for 3 so far. The World of Warcraft Armory - R
  2. PVP brackets shifting to X5 from X9?

    Your opinion still has a certian value. I would like to thank you again for your time.
  3. PVP brackets shifting to X5 from X9?

    I do not require you to. Thank you for your time.
  4. PVP brackets shifting to X5 from X9?

    Negative. The World of Warcraft Armory - R For the math impared I'll try another way of saying it. sixteen to twenty-five twenty-six to thirty-five thirty-six to fourty-five and so on. Srsly, all this love we seem to be getting from blizz lately at random doesnt seem at...
  5. PVP brackets shifting to X5 from X9?

    We all know by now that blizzard feeds on our tears, so I can think of nothing more devistating to us. The fixed the bg ques just to increase our numbers so they will have more tears to feed on. Check out Ginsu-Sword Ginn-Su Sword - Item - World of Warcraft Pendulum of Doom...
  6. Ambassador!

    Gratz! Did you use the buff from the recuit a friend or just quested solo?
  7. 19 Bracket dieing?

    Go ahead and pray, you will need it blizzard feeds on twink tears. This phasing stuff they are talking about could just eliminate us outright.
  8. Ruin activity times

    I am in an Asian time slot, does Ruin have WSG and arenas going 24/7? I am concidering a transfer and I am trying to decide if it is worth it or if I will just get more of the same actionless crap due to my time zone. It would be tough on my main char as well as there are no Oceanic...
  9. help me stop keyboard turning & clicking on action bars

    Thanks for the tips. I am a closet spell clicker, I play alot of differnt toons and can only wow it up about 5 hours a week or so. Tough to get all the binds commited to memory for all the toons. Any more ideas out there keep them coming please.
  10. Veildust Medicine Bag

    That and half of the twink druids I see have not completed the cure posion quest.
  11. Restro Druid

    When I lvled herbs I had to get to 240 with my drood because of the class buff.
  12. Restro Druid

    Since when can new druids get rank 3 lifebloom?
  13. Restro Druid

    I like sp for gear and weapon swaping for mana. Luckily, I have grandfathered rank 3 lifeblood so I dont have to stack stam.
  14. Twinking apocalypse

    I may be the only one it seems... but I completely understand. Twinking was a way to avoid having to continually gear if you chose to roll more than one class, and at the same time avoid being blizzards pveing puppet everytime they want to come out with a patch. Its unfortunate that they...
  15. Quick Cap Achivement

    Strait up the middle? I fell 6 sec short on my druid with the holloween speed buffs hitting both speed boots and potting. I went out gy and up ramp.
  16. Quick Cap Achivement

    Is it possible for anything but Wariors?
  17. World Explorer @ 19

    I have it, mostly soloed it on my druid waiting for wsg to pop... : / People had it legit from before xp was turned off. They used the summons from 2nd recuited account.
  18. Looking for a new realm/battlegroup

    Hello, This is my first post on the forum, thank you for providing this service. Good to see all of you survivors still here. I am looking for a new home for my 3 19's Bloodlust has not had a wsg Q pop for over 2 weeks. Any guilds out there Ally or Horde that need a hand with active...