Search results

  1. Lucci

    Level 20 vs level 29 in BFA

    Not to mention 20s take less time to gear/level.
  2. Lucci

    Dual wielding survs

    Is it better to dual wield or use a two hander as a surv? All weapons enchanted with elemental force of course
  3. Lucci

    Dungeon drop rate change?

    I've noticed looking through mail blues that were easily attainable are now showing drop rates of less than 5% on wowhead. Is this true?? Example are the lupine bracers from SFK or old friends gloves from foereaper in deadmimes
  4. Lucci

    US 20-29 WoW Community Revival

    *sniff sniff*
  5. Lucci

    US 20-29 WoW Community Revival

    Is this bracket always this quiet at the launch of an xpac? A year after WoD and a year after Legion launched, the bracket was hoppin
  6. Lucci

    Hunter Scopes - BFA preference

    Not to mention gnomish scope is way easier to come by
  7. Lucci

    Best 20-29 Hunter pets

    Oh shit, didn't know that. That changes everything for me, I macro my trinket heals with Gift of the Naaru, and now Survival of the Fittest
  8. Lucci

    Best 20-29 Hunter pets

    Damn, thanks for the tip. Wasn't aware of this one. That -20% DMG CD will work nicely with a heal macro. Edit: Dont you need to be a certain level to use those 3 minute CD abilities?
  9. Lucci

    Best 20-29 Hunter pets

    What do you guys think? I'm thinking cunning pets that deal Mortal Wounds is the way to go. Not sure if leech is even worth running.
  10. Lucci

    EU+US Which race for Rogue (alliance)

    I think Worgen is a nice race for low level rogues due to the added sprint.
  11. Lucci

    Hunter Scopes - BFA preference

    I'm also interested in this, I can't for the life of me find someone who can craft woodchucker but the gnomish x-ray scope is easier to come by.
  12. Lucci

    US Active Realms

    Darkspear was active with twinks like 6-12 months ago, kinda slow right now though.
  13. Lucci

    US i miss the drama

  14. Lucci

    EU+US BiS enchants?

    Thank you
  15. Lucci

    EU+US BiS enchants?

    Is there a source on here with still-current BiS enchants? I'm specifically looking for enchants for a warlock.
  16. Lucci

    EU+US Lvl 20 BM exotic pets?

    I suspected this much. Thanks for the confirmation. Bummer, the Ancient Hysteria skill for the Corehound was really nice in BGs, was 5% more haste than Drums.
  17. Lucci

    EU+US Lvl 20 BM exotic pets?

    I see that the corehound is no longer available to level 20 BM hunters. Are there any other exotic pets that are?
  18. Lucci

    EU+US armory lists

    Both of my toons are in my sig. I play all 3 specs often, but you can list them as Surv.
  19. Lucci

    EU+US Hallow's End Loot

    Got the sword on my hunter. It's a one hander, so I have no use for it. Unfortunately I could not trade it to other eligible characters in my party, so... a certain weapons vendor in Stormwind has it :rolleyes: