Both, I will a rogue camped out at gy and I will log in very once in a while and just pickpocket the mobs. I use stockades when I want to farm a bunch at once.
Opened another 700 or so today but forgot to record it. Did not farm as much as I wanted to because i was busy, hopefully I can get at least 1k per week going forward.
Got my first gloomshroud for 16k back in wod. Bought a blackvenom blade for 80k in wod and resold it for 500k in less then 2 hours. Shadowfang for 10k in mop resold it for 200k
Thx and yah that sucks it is so hard to keep people interested in twink pve, thats why all the stuff i did was 2 man or solo because I couldn't find someone who was willing to put in the time.
Alot of bosses are tank and spank and can prob still be done just with me actually healing and not...
I dont know, the person i ran them with says its alot harder now. I will ask him next time he is online to see if he has actually done any of it. Sadly I have been very sick since jan 2017 and unable to play. I hope to get back asap and try it out.
Thought I would share some 2 man 60 twink raiding from late 2015 with ya guys. Most of it was a joke but some interesting bosses like razorgore. We did all of Molten Core and 7/8 Bwl.
Sorry for quality of Razorgore video, something was messed up with monks recording and I still think its...
just for the rarity
I said items that still drop so if someone was slightly insane and wanted to try and get the full set of whatever we came up they could go a try and farm it
So anyone have a idea for belt and legs, all of the ones i can think of aren't rare enough
This might be a better idea,
Head- Miner's Hat of the Deep
Shoulders- Spaulder's of a lost age
Chest- Gloomshroud Armor
Gloves- Hotshot's Pilot's Gloves
Boots-Caverndeep Trudgers
Weapon- Pendulum of Doom
We can see what the best set we can come up with could be
So hypotheticly if someone wanted to equip the rarest drop boe's (that still drop) in every slot which items at each slot would be in contention. For example Pod or Jackhammer, Hotshot Pilot's Gloves, Miner's Hat of the Deep, Gloomshroud Armor etc. No real implecations but would just be...