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  1. dANNN

    Dungeonfinder just got a LOT cooler!

    On my main but looks possible to get both in classic.
  2. dANNN

    Dungeonfinder just got a LOT cooler!

    I meant both at once!
  3. dANNN

    Dungeonfinder just got a LOT cooler!

    Has anyone seen socket & tert proc on classic yet?
  4. dANNN

    Cataclysm Classic Confirmed

    Still can't see it happening. The player base wanting Cata Classic will so minute it won't be worth spinning up the servers.
  5. dANNN

    Do you support the recent queue separation for the 20-29 bracket?

    I'm confused by this - there are plenty of 20 players now playing 29s that don't play warlocks, and play wargames on their 20s. The bracket is 29. Its not 20 anymore. Pretending it isn't is delusional. As long as the F2P players are lumped in with 29s it will be active.
  6. dANNN

    Do you support the recent queue separation for the 20-29 bracket?

    I would absolutely agree that 29s are more interesting, and it allows for more specs to be playable. The one major issue I have is people playing 1-shot chaos bolt warlocks. That's not fun or interesting to play as, with or against. It might make you laugh the first couple of times but it will...
  7. dANNN

    How to: Loot Destiny, Hand of Edward the Odd, and Skullflame Shield under Level 20. (lvl 13 or 18)

    Dungeon looting is 1 character's worth of loot shared by 5. World looting is personal.
  8. dANNN

    How to: Loot Destiny, Hand of Edward the Odd, and Skullflame Shield under Level 20. (lvl 13 or 18)

    If your char is within the level boundaries of the zone it will loot according to your char's level (unless you can prove otherwise). 16-18 will give 17 armor and 18 weapons. Even when boss levels are several levels higher than the looter - you will still loot according to the level of your...
  9. dANNN

    2x Dusk Blade dropped

  10. dANNN

    What bracket/group is most active right now?

    20s retail by a mile. Outside of players choosing to log Hunters its in a healthy and active place atm. Shadowlands was the perfect opportunity to go f2p as most of the GF toons were made redundant (unless you played 39s pre SL). Personally I haven't invested time in Classic brackets as I'm of...
  11. dANNN

    FARM Cataclysm: Unlocked

    The shield dropped for my level 60 in the Tirisfal zone...
  12. dANNN

    How to: Loot Destiny, Hand of Edward the Odd, and Skullflame Shield under Level 20. (lvl 13 or 18)

    I'd be inclined to agree with you but the 3% proc chance is noticeable compared to say Freezing Band (1%)... The proc can scale with main stat and versa, its a lifesteal, and crucially it can crit for double the value with no ICD. I have seen it proc 2 times in a BG facing off against Beerlover...
  13. dANNN

    How to: Loot Destiny, Hand of Edward the Odd, and Skullflame Shield under Level 20. (lvl 13 or 18)

    No - the lowest level the mobs scale to is 15 - which would offer level 13 weapons minimum.
  14. dANNN

    How to: Loot Destiny, Hand of Edward the Odd, and Skullflame Shield under Level 20. (lvl 13 or 18)

    I've had a few messages about this suggesting people didn't realise it has already been confirmed. And I've only just realised a screenshot was never added for Hand of Edward the Odd. In case you missed the information in the OP it has been confirmed: It is not for sale!
  15. dANNN

    How to: Loot Destiny, Hand of Edward the Odd, and Skullflame Shield under Level 20. (lvl 13 or 18)

    @Conzil it's time to create a f2p warrior! Cloudkeepers & Destiny
  16. dANNN

    Hand of Ed, Edd and Eddy stats

    Just tested - its 174 haste at i27. Stats are 20 int 5 stam 5 versa.
  17. dANNN

    why do amost all other huntards run +3 agi gems?

    Hunter's reading this rn
  18. dANNN

    FARM Cataclysm: Unlocked

    Small Update: Looking through the current drops we've had it would appear that lower level chars are capped to only loot low level blues from Cata sadly... You can check the blues on this database for their old levels. It seems we have only looted level 83 blues or lower on low levels... All of...