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  1. Is this really bannable??

    The biggest problem is that Blizzard now only allows you to use 3 accounts simultaneously so it may not be reverted because of that
  2. US My honest opinion about Golden Twinkies (guild)

    Are you asking me or answering me?
  3. US My honest opinion about Golden Twinkies (guild)

    Did you already use this nickname in Shadowlands?
  4. How to enter Magisters' Terrace at level 20

    In this game you can't do more than 10 dungeons in 1 hour, so when you reset and try to enter for the 11th time, the game counts that you are within the lockout time and throws you out of the dungeon, although there are methods to circumvent this in normal dungeons, in this case of MT I...
  5. How to enter Magisters' Terrace at level 20

    actually you have a bonus socket of 2 str so you exchange 6 versa for 5 str and 3 crit, I think it's worth it
  6. The War Within F2P & Veteran Armory

    I also enchanted the shoulders to make it completely done
  7. The War Within F2P & Veteran Armory

    pls sumib my destro lock and arms war
  8. The War Within F2P & Veteran Armory

    They asked me to suggest their characters here
  9. The War Within F2P & Veteran Armory

    both friends of mine who play disc priest and destro warlock vet vet
  10. The War Within F2P & Veteran Armory this is my hight versa shaman I can play the elemental and restoration with the same build, so feel free to put it in either one
  11. Mists of Pandaria Remix

    Has anyone made any progress in locking XP in this mode? (currently I haven't even managed to get to SW yet)
  12. The Wreckful Cup - $500 SL20 3V3 Tourney

    if you played in the alliance ...
  13. horde vs alliance pug bgs

    hahaha we do the best we can, but you can't always get it right, about the previous discussion i'm not very in favor of abandoning matches i think it's a waste of time even because apart from rare exceptions a very unbalanced game ends before the defector debuff , in addition to the fact that it...
  14. The Wreckful Cup - $500 SL20 3V3 Tourney

    actually my main character is hunter and that makes me understand why he is being banned (for the same reason that most hunter x1s are boring) and i think it might be a great opportunity for you to try a new class outside your zone comfort and maybe discovering something new, I’ll be with...
  15. horde vs alliance pug bgs

    for sure, i always try to win, but you had some twinks on your team too and our team made some positioning mistakes that you knew how to take advantage of very well, so they deserved the victory
  16. my videos of plays on you tube

    yes, you are a very boring guy to deal with spec melee you're brazilian to?
  17. my videos of plays on you tube

    eu ja te vi em bg só não sabia que era brasileiro
  18. my videos of plays on you tube

    obrigado cara hahaha, qual o seu personagem no jogo?
  19. my videos of plays on you tube

    What is FOTM?
  20. my videos of plays on you tube

    I put a video of a compilation of my hunter's plays on you tube, my hunter's name is broken and in the video I'm playing from sv, if you can take a look later