Search results

  1. Pls point me to a 39 Paladin guide

    I'm going to try ret for a start but i have a few bits of gear to suit holy aswell so i may try that spec out aswell. So any info on playstyles/class counters for both would be great.
  2. Pls point me to a 39 Paladin guide

    I'm building a pally atm and have found a gear guide but being new to pallies lack the knowledge of the rest. I didnt see one in the guides section but there maybe ones the search didnt bring up.
  3. 39 Rogue Guide

    Thanks heaps Bansil, allows a few more secs to gain more cp's and/or skills. A noob question on enchants since TBC... Are the "BoE" listed enchants in the guide for those which the enchanter can only do for his/her own items ie. enchanted before given back to twink to equip? ie cannot be used...
  4. 39 Rogue Guide

    I'm probably still blind from my last rogue attack but i cant find any info on how to garrote/rupture/cs etc without breaking sap. This info would be awesome to know. Thanks heaps for the guide!
  5. Cyclone, Reckoning, Nightfall horde servers?

    Legend thanks heaps
  6. Cyclone, Reckoning, Nightfall horde servers?

    Any particular pvp servers in those BG's which house a decent number of Horde players?
  7. Cyclone, Reckoning, Nightfall horde servers?

    I rebuilding a 39 rogue from a couple years ago and i'm in a low pop server and bg. I've not seen a single bg in a week. Only good thing is low competition for rare names for the rebuild. I'm looking to transfer at some stage in near future to a more active bg/pvp server and would like it...
  8. Bracket levels changed?

    That would be my fear...