Cyclone, Reckoning, Nightfall horde servers?

I rebuilding a 39 rogue from a couple years ago and i'm in a low pop server and bg. I've not seen a single bg in a week. Only good thing is low competition for rare names for the rebuild.

I'm looking to transfer at some stage in near future to a more active bg/pvp server and would like it to be one with existing horde 39 twinks. So far my research on here as found many primarily alliance based folks on the above bgs. I've probably been beaten too hard with the tardation stick and am being blind.

Please can anyone recommend a pvp server in any of the BG's in the title which have more than a spits worth of 39 horde players? It doesnt have to be the most active as 1 bg a week is 100% better than where i am. It just needs to have folks who melt faces, poison farmers and kill cows etc. None of this flower picking, lunch fetching bullshit :)
reckoning has quality WSGs

nightfall has quantity and easily the most active WSGs

cyclone has the most skilled arenas

that's a general outline
well, i come from reckoning...Skywall and Shadow Council usually have the most horde players up, Bonechewer also has a couple consistant twinks on it, there are other guilds but not necessarily as active

for nightfall, check this thread

not sure which servers are active for horde cyclone
Druiddroid said:
reckoning has quality WSGs

nightfall has quantity and easily the most active WSGs

cyclone has the most skilled arenas

that's a general outline

Not even going to bother explaining how terribly biased the first and second statements are.

Perenolde in cyclone has Against the World guild...very high skilled, dont know if they want/need new players, some of them are currently looking at rerolling and xfering to NF...otherwise there is a fun horde guild on Feathermoon (RPPVP lawl) called 10th legion that would be fun to play with, cool people there.

Gnomergan in Nightfall has probably the best horde guild (GO) but there are a bunch of active horde guilds in NF. Look at the above link in Druiddroids post for more info on those guilds. NF is incredibly active and has a ton of players right now...wsg pops almost all day every day at this point (cept early morning)

I dont know anything about reckoning except what xfers to NF have told me, all of which leads me to think that reckoning is not going to make it long term ;p. Probably a better place to go right now though compared to cyclone which is really dying off.
Rawrrawr said:
Not even going to bother explaining how terribly biased the first and second statements are.


well, i gave a general outlook on those 3 brackets based on what i've seen both in game and on forums

if you wish to claim otherwise (since i don't play in all 3 BGs) go for it, i know i'll probably be biased

I dont know anything about reckoning except what xfers to NF have told me, all of which leads me to think that reckoning is not going to make it long term

yes the biggest issue for us is activity, i know that reckoning xfers to NF have also told me reckoning's skill level is a little better than NF's but WSGs are popping like all the time over there.

also i've created a blog about reckoning 39's WSG activity and am updating it as much as possible (since it's a big deal for us):
cyclone is a dying battlegroup. there are only so many twinks to go around, and by the looks of it, a lot of them are going to NF
I was afraid of that :(

at least i got to see it when it was awsome
Confessin said:
Then we shall go down with the boat!

@Grumpee: how is your journey back coming?

As of right now its a bust... my neighbor took my computer to her repair dood so im assuming another week or two :(
grumpee said:
As of right now its a bust... my neighbor took my computer to her repair dood so im assuming another week or two :(


Okay. Hopefully I see you soon. At least we could duel as we watch Cyclone wittle away.
sent ya a Pm i think >.< dont wana continue our conversation in a thread that isnt for us
Horde transfering to Nightfall - do not come to Gnomeregan, <GO> has closed recruiting for the time being, as most of vindi horde decided to come to this server, expecting ginvites the second the logged on.
Broski said:
Horde transfering to Nightfall - do not come to Gnomeregan, <GO> has closed recruiting for the time being, as most of vindi horde decided to come to this server, expecting ginvites the second the logged on.

We're still evaluating players on a case-by-case basis, of course. Hargrove's post on the vindi forums is mainly just trying to save some players 25 bucks, when there is a good chance that we just don't have room. If anyone is interested in <GO>, make a level 1 and talk to Ohsodotdot, Hargrove, or myself (Unobscured).

i know that reckoning xfers to NF have also told me reckoning's skill level is a little better than NF's but WSGs are popping like all the time over there.

Come now. I have heard stories like this from every single battlegroup that has transferred to Nightfall. Maybe, just maybe.... there is bias involved....?

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