Search results

  1. pokemongank

    State of 80 twinks

    Long time wow player here that’s been gone for 3+ years. 80 twinks were by far my favorite time in wow so I’ll be committing a couple hours/day to get some gear and PvP ready. Are BG pops often? Are there a lot of twinks out there? Believe I’ll be heading over to Pagle alliance as I know there’s...
  2. pokemongank

    79 MM hunter

    From what I can remember hunters, mages, healers are all more OP at 80. I was wrecking honor geared 85s with my frostmage back in the day
  3. pokemongank

    79 MM hunter

    i am leveling chars getting ready for the best twinking of all time(80/ in cata) and on the way I’ve decided to twink a few chars at 79. I can’t seem to find any resources to hunt down quest chains/rep gear that I need to start working on. Any tips are appreciated!
  4. pokemongank

    Twink ready?

    What is the point in twinking in dragoflight? I thought xp off/on were seperated so question were non-existent
  5. pokemongank

    80 Twinks in Cata and Mists

    I will be playing mage/priest mostly. 80 twinking is one of my all-time favorites, split brackets or not. Any updates on a guild for 80s?
  6. pokemongank

    80 twinks in cata

    80 twinks was one of the best times I've had in wow. I am hoping to see a lot of us! I will be playing mage/priest/hunter
  7. pokemongank

    Best professions for pvp

    The JC trinkets are only available for lvl 75+ I thought. Decided to roll eng/JC for the 3 big gems though
  8. pokemongank

    Best professions for pvp

    I am rolling with alchemy and BS on my disc priest for +75 stam trinket and + 2 gem slots. Wondering what others are doing and also what people think is best!
  9. pokemongank

    70 vs 79

    Wondering what thoughts are about the two different levels. I'm planning on making a 70 hunter and 79 DK. Will 70s even be viable in BGs with 79s?
  10. pokemongank

    upcoming 70-79 guilds

    World PVP was a blast in wotlk and even more so in cata(atleast for me with 80s.) I will be doing mostly 70, 69s and 19s in wotlk and hope we have a huge twink community like the one I remembered.
  11. pokemongank

    Active twink brackets

    What brackets are active at the moment? Been gone for years and want to get back into wow. With wotlk coming out i have my 70 hunter ready to get to 79 but am wanting a second bracket to play in. any idea which brackets are most active?
  12. pokemongank

    upcoming 70-79 guilds

    Interested to see if anyone is doing a 70-79 guild or wants to create one. Those who will be playing in the bracket, what server will most people be on? Excited for wotlk as thats when i originally started and ive been twinking ever since
  13. pokemongank

    69 Guild Recruitment

    I would be willing to transfer to your server if we could get some 69s together. I could help recruit them to the guild as well if we could work something out. Many people are going to spend time on their mains for the next couple weeks/months before they start thinking about twinking most likely.
  14. pokemongank

    69 Guild Recruitment

    Hello, Pokestar here. I currently have a 68 twink im still working on and plan to make a 59 twink as well. Im looking to see if there are other 59/69s out there gathered in one spot. If not I plan to start recruiting on my own server Fairbanks (H). Reply here if your interested or have a guild...
  15. pokemongank

    Is 69s a Thing?

    I am currently gearing my 68 hunter for 69. Topping the BG charts already and planning to do wpvp once i get all my gear! BGs take anywhere from 5-30 minutes to pop. Im on Fairbanks H if anyone else is there.
  16. pokemongank

    US LF some 100 twinks

    I may be interested in decking out my 100 monk. That's one level I haven't tried yet. What's considered bis and is it expensive?
  17. pokemongank

    US WTS 910 Life Relic - Burning Blade Horde!

    What you looking to get for it?
  18. pokemongank

    810 Life Relic for sale

    Very interested in the life relic but I'm not sure what people are actually paying for these. Since I would have to xfer realms I would offer 100k. Don't mean to lowball if that's to low
  19. pokemongank

    US The Colab.

    Jake#12382 - horde(I'll 858 hpally) Play nearly everyday, mostly at night. Always down for Ipvp/Wpvp/NL farm and raiding
  20. pokemongank

    880 Plate Helm/840 Leech Mail Belt For Sale on Frostmourne (US)

    Yeah without socket/tertiary I wouldn't price it at 750k+. I would also have to pay for a faction change if I bought the item on your realm so I would maybe do 150k as well. Best of luck selling!