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  1. Glass Cannon Arena

    Well it's pretty much impossible to get a 3s or 5s game anymore in my BG. So I guess rogue or priest it is.
  2. Glass Cannon Arena

    Would you say a properly geared/specced Glass Cannon Mage would be viable in Arena? If so what class would go well with a Glass Cannon? I'm talking 2v2 games.
  3. Casting Macros

    Yeeees... That's exactly what I meant... Press... Heh, heh, heh... :rolleyes:
  4. Casting Macros

    Thank you!
  5. Casting Macros

    I figured with the amount of people viewing the macro section I would get more chance of a reply here. And ok.
  6. Casting Macros

    I'd like to know how to cast Frost Armor then Arcane Intellect with the click of just one button. Also, a macro where I cast Fireball then Fireblast right after would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.
  7. Some Videos I Want To Post

    I don't know why exactly, but I am very, very scared and disturbed... On the other hand, 'twas pretty loltastic! :D
  8. Rogue or Warrior

    Warrior hands down. You want a good warrior?: Dannyburrito Best warrior imo, 10g IRL to anyone who can prove me wrong.
  9. 7 year old asian plays crazy train...

    That just blew my mind... EDIT: WHY, WHY did you have to edit in that pic, MIND = BLOWN was far better. I was eating cheeseless pizza damnit!
  10. 1v1 as a Glass Cannon (Fire) Mage Guide

    "Release Spirit"
  11. 1v1 as a Glass Cannon (Fire) Mage Guide

    Realistically? Yes, same with Hunters. I was originally just gonna label "Die" as the Tactic used against classes that were considerably more effective against Mages than others, but I figured that would be a little harsh. So, I decided not to factor in anything and let you decide whether or not...
  12. Blizzard Hates Twinks?

    I wouldn't have posted defensively in the first place had they not unjustly insulted me. I read a thread once; the OP was a guide on how to gear a priest or druid, I forget. The amount of flames that I saw coming from that thread would have been enough to make Dun Morogh look like Molten Core...
  13. Blizzard Hates Twinks?

    1. Thank you for the most unecessary hostility towards my OP. I never intended, nor intend to percieve myself or be percieved as "higher" or "mightier" than another person. 2. It is true that I'm new to twinking (off and on about a year). It's only now that I've decided to do anything...
  14. Blizzard Hates Twinks?

    Blizzard has never buffed twinks, they have only given the permission to use high level enchants on characters that do not necessarily require them to be high in level. Hence, untwinked characters could use said enchants if they so pleased, meaning Blizzard hasn't paid any real attention to...
  15. 1v1 as a Glass Cannon (Fire) Mage Guide

    Yea, I forgot to change sections... Admins, feel free to move it to the appropriate section if you wish, I have no quarrels. :)
  16. 1v1 as a Glass Cannon (Fire) Mage Guide

    Introduction Hey guys, Dekuna here. I wrote this guide to document effective ways of defeating the various classes in WoW as a level 19 Glass Cannon Mage. Guide Here are the tactics I use vs. the various classes that you may encounter while in a 1v1 situation, and I will rate the...
  17. A little help please...

    Ya, sorry guys, I posted, then later edited in the armory link. Next time you should see the proper gear in which I logged out in.
  18. A little help please...

    I have a Glass Cannon mage, and was wondering how to maximize his damage output, he's currently 3rd in most battlegrounds as far as damage. I know max fire spellpower is really good, but maybe I need more crit% to boost my damage. When I get my Lucky Fishing Hat I'm gonna ditch Engineering and...
  19. Forum Game: Keep one, Drop one

    Brave Heart
  20. Forum Game: Be careful what you wish for.

    Granted, but the BoAs turn out to be Boa Contstrictor's IRL and end up eating all ur fudz... nom nom. I wish my special pet monkey that can play the ukulele and make totally awesome Mango Margaritas wouldn't throw poo at me. :(