Casting Macros

I'd like to know how to cast Frost Armor then Arcane Intellect with the click of just one button. Also, a macro where I cast Fireball then Fireblast right after would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.
/castsequence spellname,spellname for will have to perss the button twice for the GCD. You cannot cast both in 1 single click.

Wrong section

You have that on a macro?
fearthelock said:
/castsequence spellname,spellname for will have to perss the button twice for the GCD. You cannot cast both in 1 single click.

You have that on a macro?

Thank you!
casting macros suck imo b/c u have to spam the button x # of times where x is how many spells in the macro you want to cast. if you cast another spell inbetween then u have to start spamming the macro again...its just easier to not macro it really
is /stopcasting at the start of every spell still useful? and using quartz to see lag time?

its been a while since i played on a caster seriously.
The only reasons I see for this is:

-Rotation (In PvP? No.)

-Saving an action bar slot (because you really have too many spells at 19, right?)
Cast sequence could be good for buffs. I know pallies have 4 and mages have 3.

pressing 1 button X times to get buffed is easier.

Cast sequence is bomb for many things if you are using the delay function. Travel form hots being one such case. And rogues can benifit as well.

/castsequence reset=target Arcane Intellect, Frost Armor

This way you can buff yourself with two clicks/presses. If you are buffing someone else, it will revert to Arcane Intellect as soon as you change target.

#showtooltip Fire Blast


/cast [mod] Fire Blast; Fireball

- Press normally to cast Fireball, press with a modifier key (eg., shift) to cast Fire Blast. This way you can chain together Fireballs if you want to. The tool-tip being set to Fire Blast will let you know when it's CD is up.

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