Search results

  1. Gregol64


    Time to start making my speed char again. Probalby not going be such efficient as 111 but i still need it for farming ATT :P Are speedsets even a thing now? if so at which level? 50 with Nyalotha speed azerites or something else? if that's a case how hard is older content at when you are 50...
  2. Gregol64

    Highest Haste items

    Hey! I am looking for the highest haste items (cloth or leather as well as jewelery) for level 20. I don't care if the item is trash as well as it has highest possbile haste. I really don't know how to search for items like that nowadays since everything is scalling so maybe you guys can help me...
  3. Gregol64

    110 twink looking for guidance

    1. Complete your Legion class order hall campaing in order to unlock artifact weapons and second legendary. 2. Do story line in BFA. You get 2 azerite pieces from each zone + 1 from war campaing. First 4 you unlock will be 280 (+5) and last 3 are gonna be 295(+5) so chooce your traits carefull...
  4. Gregol64

    EU Antorus Mythic Europe Alliance.

    I am doing this for horde. I run every thursday at 20.00 CET but due to irl stuff - not tomorrow. Feel free to dm me
  5. Gregol64

    Mythic Antorus

    Feel free to do the same for EU-Horde :)
  6. Gregol64

    EU Mythic Antorus Boost

    I am running 11/11 on Mythic Antorus every thursday at 20.00 on Horde side! It takes about 2 hours and i am willing to carry one person with me. Also just to make it clear - you will be paying for the spot in my raid not for carry where you can do whatever you want and i will actully expect you...
  7. Gregol64

    Future of 110

    I am talking about item level scalling and i am 100% sure that's not a thing in instances.
  8. Gregol64

    Future of 110

    There is no scaling in instances as far as i know. Only in open world
  9. Gregol64

    Future of 110

    Sooooooo I've just finished running my Weekly Mythic Antorus and afterwards i went for a smoke. Few minutes for myself got me thinking... I am running IE and i coulnd't care less about PvP below max level. I am currently 269ilv and what's the highest we can go? 275? 278? There isn't really...
  10. Gregol64

    EU+US Heart of Azeroth level Leaderboard?

    in order to reach 280 without those useless 300 trinkets we would have to get 46 level of HoA :D Don't think it's possible atm. Looking at reasonable numbers the highest we can get is around 276-277 :P
  11. Gregol64

    Is this stil BiS after nerf?

    och wow, didn't know about this beeing a case. I have a 20 twink with 50/50 warforged and titanforged Invasion gear but all those items were squished anyway. Do we know which items were squished and which weren't? and why is that?
  12. Gregol64

    Is this stil BiS after nerf?

    what does "grandfathered" mean? Sorry for beeing of topic :P
  13. Gregol64

    EU+US Looking to twink DH

    Do your own group or ask a 120 friend to at least start the group for you. I am organizing my own groups every thursday (today was our 3rd run) with people from several discord channels and we always clear 11/11 on Mythic. I am 267ilv atm :P
  14. Gregol64

    EU+US Looking to twink DH

    And yet somewhere here we have a thread about selling cloak with +12 main stat before nerf instead of +9... For few milion gold. To me twinking is about minmaxing like that instead of beeing "ready" asap. Also he will have to run Legion content just to get his leggos and relics anyway. And let's...
  15. Gregol64

    EU+US Looking to twink DH

    Crafted gear for 111 is 225 (233 if it procs) which is Heroic antorus (or slightly above). Antorus gear is just better and it can proc up to 265. i really don't see a point in doing 111 just to wear 225 items while you can easly wear 240+ on 110. Same goes with Alchemy trinket which is really...
  16. Gregol64

    EU+US Looking to twink DH

    There is absolutly no reason to go 111. It's either 110 or 119 but 119 are trash on IE. if you are looking to mostly farm islands stay at 110 :)
  17. Gregol64

    Main vs secondary stats

    During Legion Main stat gems were always BIS - you could have only one at a time and now we can have 2 - some people are running none. Do you belive that changed with the amount of main stats given by the azerite pieces? Or not really because HoA gives massive secondaries aswell? Do you sim...
  18. Gregol64

    Fastest IE

    In what time are you able to clear Island? Do you use IE consumables like flashfire brew? How does those impact your runs (time with them, time without them)? I've seen someone advertising boosts on IE in 2 minutes (!!!) which is unreal for me as i've also seen a post about "World record...
  19. Gregol64

    Reckful's 12,500 viewers enjoying 110 content here you go
  20. Gregol64

    Guide to 300 gear at 110, which quest lines

    Hmmm, maybe that's 4 then as i've done war campaign one aswell. I just though it didn't count. Maybe i was wrong or maybe Alliance has something different. Horde can only get 6 pieces of azerite (2 for each zone) + 1 from War Campaing. Can alliance hoard more?