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  1. New AWESOME pet.

    Simple, it's for a good cause. "...Half of the proceeds to every Pandaren Monk purchased through December 31, 2009 will be donated to the Make-a-Wish Foundation"
  2. Unocraft - Level One Twinking

    My subscription expired yesterday, so I'm banking on this and hamcake land lol.
  3. Unocraft - Level One Twinking

    Lol I'm anxious to play? Any idea on when server will be online?
  4. New level 10 - rogue vs warrior?

    Lol well I got a level 10 pally just sitting around waiting to be finished, wouldn't mind xferring him somewhere where I'd have people to play with.
  5. New level 10 - rogue vs warrior? this idea dead?
  6. Unocraft - Level One Twinking

    I'd be in, hit me up and let me know what's going down.
  7. New level 10 - rogue vs warrior?

    Have you made a decision yet Spook? lol i'm ready to get this rolling.
  8. New level 10 - rogue vs warrior?

    My damage wasn't too bad on my pally and honestly, if you made a warrior and we had the chance to play often i'd do that or even consider playing a warlock or something different for shits and giggles
  9. New level 10 - rogue vs warrior?

    Regardless I think this would be a fun idea. Horde ya say? I believe I'm gonna make a rogue, perhaps a warrior or a shaman though. Any ideas? Also trying to figure out my source of income if anyone has suggestions.
  10. New level 10 - rogue vs warrior?

    Haha we could have a pretty beastly group of 10's running around.
  11. New level 10 - rogue vs warrior?

    Just recently started a lvl 10 hunter...not too fond of him to be quite honest, but don't have access to BoA's so my choices are fairly limited. How viable is a rogue without BoA's? I love my 19 rogue.
  12. New level 10 - rogue vs warrior?

    I know ya didn't ask me but honestly I love my lvl 10 pally, no done yet but still fun as hell to play on. I don't have much play time either being in college and whatnot but it would be fun to get a lvl 10 guild going.
  13. New level 10 - rogue vs warrior?

    Are we gonna go horde or ally (if this idea even goes through lol)?
  14. New level 10 - rogue vs warrior?

    Haha, I need to do something, I'm on a Nightfall normal server right now and i'm lucky to have anything interesting to happen
  15. New level 10 - rogue vs warrior?

    haha I hear ya, it's only what a 70 hp difference without a fishing hat? If you decide to do it let me know though, I need some reason to keep playing this game.
  16. New level 10 - rogue vs warrior?

    Well doesn't that just mess everything up lol
  17. New level 10 - rogue vs warrior?

    So you're looking to roll on Dragonmaw? I don't exactly know how I'd roll without a source of gold, and was contemplating dropping wow after my account expires due to the dying of twinking. I have a level 10 paladin I could xfer over who needs a little more work, or a half way done hunter.
  18. New level 10 - rogue vs warrior?

    Well I can't help you out much with that choice, but I've been wanting to try my hand at a pvp server, and love my level 10's. I wouldn't mind rolling one on that server with you.
  19. 19's on Nightfall?

    I currently have a 19 rogue on Nightfall, as well as a 10 pally and 10 hunter for shits and giggles.
  20. Level 10 2hander?

    Care to explain? lol