New level 10 - rogue vs warrior?

So, I have my current level 10 rogue on Frostmourne - but no one plays there anymore (armory: [char=Frostmourne]Spooksters[/char]) so I've been looking at rolling a new one on Dragonmaw, where my main is - and it is a pvp server so I can still have fun with world pvp

I think I will probably be making it more for world pvp than for 19 bg's, because getting kited nonstop by hunters and shamans doesn't sound all "that" great. My friend might also be making one with me, but im not sure on that yet :p

Anyways - I am having troubles deciding between another rogue or a warrior. Rogues are nice because of the survivability, 55% dodge+, but they also can have ~800 health and still 55-60% crit. From what i've seen - warriors can hold the same in health and even go higher in crit - but it seems they get around 10% dodge, and like 10% parry...

I slapped together a quick chardev for a rogue with boa's - v6 ~ a World of Warcraft character planner - rocking 63% crit, 808 health (i work sunday's - no fishing hat for me) and x amount of dodge (chardev's dodge ratio is not correct) I don't think the 2.8 speed offhand will screw it up...but I could be wrong

Anyone got any suggestions on a warrior, or what I should roll? I saw someones gnome warrior a bit a go, rocking like 63% crit and like 800+ health with 150 or so attack power. I guess having that 3.3 ability at level 6 might be nice to aswell for a warrior, but so would the rogue 70% stealth :p

Well I can't help you out much with that choice, but I've been wanting to try my hand at a pvp server, and love my level 10's. I wouldn't mind rolling one on that server with you.
:p We had a bunch of people over on Frostmourne (twinkytoes, canihascookie, castrophy, me and like 4 other people) but people just don't play there anymore :\
So you're looking to roll on Dragonmaw? I don't exactly know how I'd roll without a source of gold, and was contemplating dropping wow after my account expires due to the dying of twinking. I have a level 10 paladin I could xfer over who needs a little more work, or a half way done hunter.
really crilicilyn? Since when...I didn't hear about this o_O

:edit: also popt - don't do anything like that just yet :p not sure if i am going to make it or not
Poptimus said:
Well doesn't that just mess everything up lol

doesn't what mess everything up? I didn't say im not going to ^^ just saying don't do it yet, because im not sure, hehe
haha I hear ya, it's only what a 70 hp difference without a fishing hat? If you decide to do it let me know though, I need some reason to keep playing this game.
Haha, I need to do something, I'm on a Nightfall normal server right now and i'm lucky to have anything interesting to happen
Something to consider in your choice perhaps. I migrated my lvl 10 hunter to a pvp realm recently (allso to do world pvp). Good fun for sure but I wish I allso had a rogue, stealth is what I miss a little (using stealth enchant to cloak in area's not much higher than yourself should work).

As for the hat, on my twinks that have engeneering instead of herbalism (one has hat allso) I love the gadgets. All bombs etc that you use at lvl 19 you can allso use at lvl 10, eg extra stuns, healing trinket, stealth guarding sheep etc. That on top of the goggles, do not underestimate engeneering (heal trink is less powerfull than herb but does do both mana and hp and has a shorter cooldown). (or just go +2/3 armor + herb ofc ;p)
I want to make one there with you. My Paladin is a joke in BGs. I should have made a warrior QQ
canihascookie said:
WTB - Source of this b.s about fishing hat at level 15

it doesn't.
Lol if I do this it'll be on dragonmaw horde pvp server, but like I said - that's IF i do it >< not sure what I want to roll, and ive been trying to cut back my play time

Quel - is level10 pally no fun?
I know ya didn't ask me but honestly I love my lvl 10 pally, no done yet but still fun as hell to play on. I don't have much play time either being in college and whatnot but it would be fun to get a lvl 10 guild going.

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