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  1. Warrior gearing advice

    Warning: Both of the DPS spec toons included in the above link are either in prot spec, out of date or not BiS. /:
  2. Why'd you name your twink that?

    Ihateurmom (srs)- I never intended to get this character past level 13 or so, complete throwaway character initially. He was just gonna be used as a sort've tutorial in order to get a friend of mine to start playing. For some reason the toon grew on me afterwards, and I just decided to keep...
  3. Winter Veil Entries

    A: Trick question, it depends if the monkey's wooden leg was his right or his left. Right legged monkeys kick harder than left legged ones. Q: On what day did Alex Trebek host his first episode of Jeopardy! ?

    It should be said that Blizzard had never intentionally created transmogrification to be fun, so Heirlooms will now always be stripped of their transmogs through the mail. :C
  5. 5.0- The Return of Arms Warriors?, scroll down to that good ol' warrior section. Charge usable in combat unofficially confirmed <:
  6. Shift the brackets to x5 and x0

    One thing that's been forgotten about moving the 39 bracket to level 40: Warrs/Pallys can use plate, Hunters/Shammys can use mail.
  7. mail shoulders transmog for a 39 twink

    Sorry to say, but I think I'm quite sure that the Valor/Might/Stockade shoulder pieces are all classified as plate drops. you couldn't transmog those drops is you tried, seeing as you cannot equip any other plate items at that level. If I'm wrong, ignore this. I've been known to be an enormous...
  8. 5.0- The Return of Arms Warriors?

    It's been a while Twinkinfo, hope all is well >.> I'm back again because I'm excited. Specifically excited about the talent changes they announced at blizzcon (these ones http://media.mmo-cha...nts_warrior.jpg). Nothing's set in stone, but due to the fact that Juggernaut no longer provides the...
  9. 30-39 Achievement Points!

    Guess it's my job to catch up huh? :/ I'm somewhat preoccupied in leveling a new main, which I'm thoroughly enjoying. The ugly truth is, I've had this twink for well over 4 years now, and I'm kinda getting sick of looking at his ugly mug >: Perhaps I'll catch up, perhaps not.
  10. Revelosh's Boots fixed?

    are these boots mail now? >.>
  11. <The Seeker> / 3000 quests completed at level 60.

    Nicely done, bet it was a hell of a grind :/ I've only reached about 2200, and I don't think I'll get much farther than that.
  12. US Bunch of stuff on Nathrezim US I've been sitting on... price checks?

    Bunch of stuff on Nathrezim US I've been sitting on... price checks? I've got: Ogron's Sash - Item - World of Warcraft x1 Comfortable Leather Hat - Item - World of Warcraft x1 (Not the best, I know :/) Precisely Calibrated Boomstick - Item - World of Warcraft x1 Obsidian Cleaver - Item...
  13. 39 hunter bis and best proffesions

    Unfortunately, the 4 stats to rings have been grandfathered post-4.0. 375 professions were only available for a limited time :/ Mining, skinning, and Engineering are good choices, and depending on how haste effects hunters (No idea on the effectiveness :/), Herbalism would be a suitable mention.
  14. 30-39 Achievement Points!

    Have to take a break with achievements and things for two weeks (Finals and whatnot), but I`m comin for Drunkmasters spot very soon C:
  15. 30-39 Achievement Points!

    Wasn't it Issh? I don't know if he's still kicking around, but I remember a rogue that was owned by him that was doing well with AP? o.0 idk.
  16. Enhancement Shaman- this armory BiS?

    Is there anything I can ask about profs while I'm at it?
  17. 78 cata twink

    ^Completely disregard this.
  18. 78 cata twink

    Don't forget OP, you could run Blackrock Caverns as well o.o
  19. Enhancement Shaman- this armory BiS?

    In terms of gearing up an enhancement shaman, could I rely on this gear set as a BiS list?
  20. 30-39 Achievement Points!

    Totally humbled in the presence of OP there, but I might as well nominate myself on that list, Ihateurmom @ Nathrezim - Game - World of Warcraft. 3k is at least kinda respectable, no?