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  1. Rogue Professions

    Wow, I just did that and it's awesome! Thanks for the post, this will make the higher levels so much easier to obtain.
  2. Rogue Professions

    That's crazy, going to go try it now!
  3. Rogue Professions

    I'm US, and thanks so much for the insight. I'll go with herb / skinning =]. Figure I'll level them while I level until I need to power them up with my buddy shadowing me to keep me alive haha. Thanks a ton guys :D
  4. Rogue Professions

    The only reason I don't want engi is because it seems completely useless in arenas and that seems to be where all the good twinks are at :-/. Idk, I guess I'll just have to figure out what I want to do.
  5. Rogue Professions

    So first let me say that I've read the rogue guide for this level bracket and I don't see any flaws or anything so it all seems kosher to me. I'm wondering what profession combination works the best. I want to have Jewelcrafting as one, but should I do engineering or herbalism as the 2nd one...
  6. Priest Help

    I personally love my 29 priest twink. Armory Aerocroft (29 priest on Alterac Mountains). Discount the necklace and the glove enchant. If you're playing a horde priest armory Umbron (29 UD priest, not sure on server). I'm also switching from 50hp+ to 4 stats on my chestpiece very soon...
  7. need 29 disc priest help pls

    Glyph of PW:S isn't nearly as good as Glyph of Renew. Shield requires you to have a health deficit to use, and if you're like me you'll want shield up more often than you're in combat. Whenever I see a rogue stealth I shield, whenever I see horde incoming to a node in AB I Glyph of...
  8. Random Holy Paladin questions :)

    Wow so I just found an amazing 39 holy pally post under the guide section so omit my last question about race :).
  9. Random Holy Paladin questions :)

    First off I'd like to say hello to all the 39 twinks out there :). I personally can't wait to get a 39 twink (still rockin' my 29 priest twink) where the bracket should be a bit more balanced, and I hear that my battlegroup (Nightfall :D) is the most popular 39s out there. This post is very...