Random Holy Paladin questions :)

First off I'd like to say hello to all the 39 twinks out there :). I personally can't wait to get a 39 twink (still rockin' my 29 priest twink) where the bracket should be a bit more balanced, and I hear that my battlegroup (Nightfall :D) is the most popular 39s out there. This post is very long and I don't actually expect many to read it, but if you do go through it I'd appreciate any feedback :D.

Anyway, I'm making an alliance Holy Paladin to play with a friend of mine who is moving his 29 mage twink to 39 and staying a fire build. I have a few twinks armory pages open for a reference to see some common items used by Holy paladins but I have a few questions of my own :).

I've seen a level 19 druid twink with the Medicine Bag offered by attaining Honored (or friendly?) with Timbermaw hold because there is no level requirement. I also notice that the exalted trinket doesn't have a level requirement but I assume you can't get the feather quest unless you are level 45ish...and even if you can get the quest you probably can't turn it in a thousand times until 3.2...Anybody have any input on the matter?

I'm also wondering how you guys are valuing Resilience in 3.2 from a healer standpoint. With the upcoming buff, Resilience will nerf all incoming damage and with the BoA gear out there it isn't very difficult to get a decent ammount of it. Wintergrasp BoA trinket offers 12, 15 resilience to chest enchant (don't remember if that had a level req on it), BoA shoulders offer another 8 or 9. However, this is all theorycrafting from my point of view because I've never actually played any twink at 39, let alone a paladin. Do Holy Paladins even need to worry about survivability? If not than I might as well grab the Uldaman drop that the other paladins are using for their shoulders, right?

My last question revolves around race. I would prefer to play a female dwarf paladin, but being the min-maxxer that I am I'm factoring in racials into this more than I would on a character I plan to level cap. Stoneform v. Human Trinket v. Gift of the Naaru. Are rogues / hunters still a very viable threat at 39, making Stoneform a very potent racial? Or should I worry more about the locks (from what I hear they dominate the bracket) and go human? Or are neither really that terrible, allowing me to get GotN for some free heals? On a side note, if I were to roll a human it would free up a trinket to get Discerning Eye of the Beast (x2?) instead of that and a pvp trinket. Any thoughts on how potent that trinket is? (Offers 14 sp each, pluss 2% mana per killing blow...even though I know that Paladins don't really get killing blows haha).

If anybody actually read this, thank you very much and sorry I'm so long winded...I hope to see some of you guys out there in the 39s bracket.


29 Night Elf Priest on Nightfall :)
Wow so I just found an amazing 39 holy pally post under the guide section so omit my last question about race :).
/agree, human. Dwarf is kinda pointless as you can cleanse poison anyways, so its only helpful against warriors - and they can just re-apply rend...

You can get the Timbermaw Exaulted trinket at 45, but cannot get it earlier. Both the trinket quest and the quest to make feathers start dropping requires level 45.

I can see around 40 resil from enchants and BoA gear without sacrificing too much in the way of stats. Oh, +resil to shield too, so 50 something. Dunno.

Might be a good idea to stack resil on a stamina heavy build, ~3500 hp or so, so you take ages to die - but your heals would be weaker, your mana pool not as large as a healing output speccd pally.

Imo a pally can afford to glass cannon a little more (in terms of losing armor and resil) for sp and health, but I wouldnt drop armor just for more mana. Mostly because of bubbles, freedom, and cleanse, you have some decent survivability to start off.

Personally I would go with SP=Stam>resil>int. So this means I'd be taking the PvP Mace, the Lightforge Shoulders, a resil insig if needed, but not the +resil enchants to chest and shield. It depends on the scaling, but I'm willing to bet that the resil will only outpace the stamina if you're doing a LOT of self healing.
roll horde! better que times hehe ;)

or human but u know that already

look forword to seeing/killin ya

Nait /Ait
its generally been said that u shouldnt aim at resilience. see it as a bonus stat. trying to stack resilience will prove more hassling than productive, due to everything u'll lose out on.

yea humans are better. i personally play dwarf, but it was frustrating to have our stoneform nerfed.

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