Search results

  1. I miss Ctrlaltsheep

    I hate to post in a fairly old thread, but I felt like I had to. It's sad to hear about Sheep's passing. I remember the days of Twinxie and I running into Pwnie and Sheep and more often than not getting wrecked pretty hard. I remember the day I got tired of being on the losing end of the...
  2. US WTS 3/3 Monkey/10 AP Wrangler's

    WTS 3/3 Monkey/10 AP Wrangler's I have 3/3 Monkey and 10 AP Wrangler's on Spirestone, Horde. Not looking to xfer. Also have: 3/3 Meadow ring of the Tiger 3/3 Meadow ring of the Falcon 3/3 Meadow ring of the Monkey +5 Meadow ring of Agility Staff of the Blessed Seer x2...
  3. Post 3.2 Premades

    Well not really best of anything, just first to win three games overall. Whether it takes 3 games or 5-6 games becuase of ties and such. I don't think it would be fair to judge 1-0 against a 2-0 game if neither finished to three caps, sometimes the flow of the game dictates how many caps...
  4. Post 3.2 Premades

    I'd say first to win 3 games gets it, whether the win is 1-0, 2-1, whatever.
  5. World Of Warcraft the Movie

    I wonder what storyline they'll use or if they'll come up with something brand new.
  6. Rogue Balance Gear - Please Help

    I would go AGI to cloak.
  7. What's the best AH deal you've gotten, ever...

    Ribsplitters for 25-30g SoJ for about 200g 3/3 Wranglers (Eagle and Falcon) for under 5g Tree Bark for 87s Doomforged Straightedge for 10g
  8. Forum Game: Keep one, Drop one

    Come Together
  9. introducing, Stillbaked.

    I think I'd be worried about my HP. I would for sure shoot for some 3/3 Eagle bracers.
  10. Main Or Twink?

    In that case, Shadowfang easily. IF you're a raider unless it's something really rare, I'd say get the item for your main. At least that's what I'd do.
  11. 22 intellect VS. 29/30 spellpower for healers

    Like a few people have said already, you want to have both.