Search results

  1. *Faerlina* Selling Pendulum of Doom

    Still available
  2. *Faerlina* Selling Pendulum of Doom

    Whisper/Mail Nachochip, or add me on discord Zestly#8080 (Capital Z), or you can always just reply on here if interested. Serious offers only please.
  3. Max Base Stats you can get.

    How do you get a scaled version?
  4. Max Base Stats you can get.

    What about a max stam set for druids?
  5. Max Stamina set for druid?

    I was wondering if anybody had any links or knowledge on a really good max stamina set for druids. After I find the best max stamina set available, i'll be looking into a (possible) max speed set for 39 leather wearers. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
  6. Dungeon Tank god mode(ish)

    Can you provide an armory link to your druid?
  7. Best 19 class for soloing low level dungeons?

    A few months ago I used to farm some trash mobs in shadowfang keep for, well, Shadowfang. I was just thinking as I get back into the game if there is such a thing as an optimal 19 class that can solo dungeons like Shadowfang keep primarily, but possibly also Deadmines and Wailing caverns. I...
  8. Obtaining Sul'thraze

    Best way to answer this, is go to the adventure journal, and when you check what loot each boss drops, spec into arms or fury and see if the swords show on the loot table shown in the adventure journal. This doesn't apply if you're getting ran by someone 10+ levels higher through an instance...
  9. EU+US Flexing a 39 teebu's flaming sword

    I just got a lvl 31 green off of a twilight cultist in silithus on my 39 rogue. Makes me wonder, even if teebu did drop, could this mean a sure fire way to get it scaled down to 39? Because if that's the case, just gotta no life silithus farming until you get one and ur good to go. I should...
  10. EU+US Flexing a 39 teebu's flaming sword

    If you dont mind me asking, how did you get this? Dungeon drop?
  11. Does Blackvenom Blade scale?

    I just got a response from a GM regarding Blackvenom Blade. My question to them was "Heya! So I didn't know exactly which contact channel to chose for my issue, but i'm in a bit of confusion here. First and foremost, I am after the Blackvenom Blade for my 49 twink rogue (that i'm currently...
  12. Does Blackvenom Blade scale?

    Now I just thought a very, very scary possibility, and that is that it might be that the only way to obtain any lvl bvb other than 21, is to hope to god it drops off of Rohh the silent at whichever scaled lvl you're at.
  13. Does Blackvenom Blade scale?

    Ok so I can confirm that it does scale after seeing a lvl 43 bvb on the auction house. Now my question is, could I farm the junkboxes on a 110 rogue and get a 49 bvb by sending them to my 49 and opening them?
  14. Does Blackvenom Blade scale?

    So i'm making a 49 rogue, and I'm really stumped on whether or not blackvenom blade scales or not. And if so, should I pickpocket on a 49 and open the boxes on a 49, or pickpocket on a 110 and open them on a 49. Anyone have evidence of either theories?
  15. US Any 60 Horde Guilds on Bleeding Hollow?

    Oh of course jimbo but thanks for the help brotha
  16. US Any 60 Horde Guilds on Bleeding Hollow?

    So I'm maining a 60 Survival Hunter on Bleeding Hollow Horde, but I just can't seem to find any 60 guilds on the server after spamming trade chat for hours. Would love to hop in one and group up to do some pvp or old content. Just want a home being so lonely on Horde as all of my other twinks...
  17. Twinking is back (bye bye templates)

    You know you have no argument once you feel the need to belittle off of a little spelling error lmao
  18. Twinking is back (bye bye templates)

    I think this has to be the best twink news i've heard in a very long time in this hell of an expansion for twinks and pvp in general. I would really love to be able to use my enchants again in wsg, trinkets, as well as other item effects. Not to mention, the BG specific food that are sold from...
  19. Selling name "Twinky" on Bleeding Hollow

    Welp, as the title suggests, i'm selling the name of my twink that i abandoned after leveling to 19. I don't have a price in mind, but i'm accepting in-game gold as well as Irl money via Paypal or Bitcoin. I'm accepting offers so feel free to fire away. If you wish to contact me for information...