Search results

  1. EU+US Faerie Mantle Restore ?

    What do u mean Hid them mine are still equipped and visible
  2. EU+US Feral 19 Druid Weapon Choice ?

    okay so with bis being an ilvl item do i go with heirloom Burnished warden staff / repurposed lava dredger or a 1h with the lily offhand ?
  3. EU 10s/19s BG Bag Farm Battletags

    Rentadog#2541i play lots of chars lots of brackets both sides
  4. EU New Bis Priest 39s Items list anywhere ?

    Thanks for the replys - can i ask what off hand and wand you suggest - other than the one in scholomance @ 43 ilvl i cant seem to see others suitable
  5. EU New Bis Priest 39s Items list anywhere ?

    im looking for a current bis guide for disc priest 39 i know most of the bg crates blues will be bis but before that
  6. EU 2 quick questions.

  7. EU Is there any activity in this bracket?

    Yes zioni - myself and Khota have all just leveled some toons to 39 ive a disc priest and warrior at 39 now working on gearing Rentadog#2541
  8. EU Message from Khoma & The Alliance.

    Hi there ive just rolled a new Druid on your realm im interested in playing low level with like minded people , my druid just hit 10 i play hunter druid and priest class's and warrior on occasion and im about to roll a dk on the realm to start making some money for professions and pots i sent...
  9. Twink News Thread

    hi there I'm a regular twinker from Europe , I make all diff class characters and on both sides and most the time am solo joining queues would be nice to have a home Rentadog#2541 is id id be glad of any requests - I'm quite happy to move to a server where there are twink guilds in eu