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  1. 29 Warlock

    you run haste with affliction
  2. RIP to bracket

    I was talking to him yesterday and he said " Blame burg, He took my TI, I take his bracket" or something like that. He said burg got him banned because he complained about one of his posts.
  3. Well GG GG

    I didn't even know we had a wargame or anything? no one told me anything and almost 3/4ths of the team didnt even know we had a war game. Sorry. -Bleedz
  4. GG Twinks VS SuperNova

    Re: GG Twinks vs SupaNova (Twitch Stream) GG To SupaNova <3
  5. GG Twinks VS SuperNova

    GG Twinks vs SupaNova (Twitch Stream) Twitch stream is up currently at Twitch Will be muting mics during the tactic portion and plan making so be advised <3 This is from Bleedz perspective on GG Twinks.
  6. GG Twinks VS SuperNova

    I will be streaming it at for reference. I think the quality is pretty good but I will have mics muted due to requests from the GM's sorry for the inconvenience, would prefer not to get sniped ^_^ I stream 2's and Premades from time to time aswell.
  7. WTS GF'd/Rare/Twink Items on BH Horde

    Willing to pick up the Parachute Cloak. Price?
  8. GG Twinks VS SuperNova

    I believe I will be able to stream from a GG Twink perspective. Ill be talking to our GM's and seeing if Im allowed.
  9. GG Twinks VS SuperNova

    The most important part is increasing the bracket size and having fun between the 2 guilds with competitive games. It gets boring pug stomping.
  10. GG Twinks VS SuperNova

    Uhh? I've been doing plenty of 5 mans with GG Twinks and we usually only que with 1-2 BMs. Calling us out for 3 is a bit much.
  11. GG Twinks VS SuperNova

    And im just here praying I get into the lineup. *fingers crossed* Regardless, I still think it will be a great match between both teams. We have equally competitive teams with the drive to win. Regardless of the trash talk. Will be fun ^_^