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  1. Achievement points!

    Thanks strange :D miss all you guys! hope things is well.
  2. Achievement points!

    there is very very slim chance i might come back lol....maybe i'll see you all soon idk :P
  3. Achievement points!

    naw not too much. i just have an obsessive personality. and my energy is better focused on my RL right now. but i miss wow, and all my wow frands.
  4. Achievement points!

    hahaha i do want to come back but im warning you fellas that if i do my OCD will definitely give you all a challenge keeping your top points lol. but you guys have made a huge gain over me and my inactivity has caused me to miss so many of the achievements that are no longer available like WG...
  5. Achievement points!

    hahaha man i miss all you guys, but im bound and determined to not play wow anymore. the days back in veng pre xp bgs was the best imo. the people rocked and the games were just too effing fun. i know that what i'd come back to is not what i enjoyed about the game. its been soooo long since i...
  6. Achievement points!

    grats strange and reetoo. havent seen you fellas for quite some time :D med told me you two had passed me. looks like im finally out of the top achievements. still inactive as you guys prolly know but i peek every now and again. if i look too long i'll start playing again lol. which would be...
  7. Achievement points!

    Just so you all know I quit playing wow several months ago. I logged in to do the Pilgrim's bounty achievements and then decided I'm not into it anymore. Bye officially I guess. GL with all of your wow endeavors! :D
  8. Achievement points!

    For any of you that know me and that have been paying attention, I haven't really been actively pursuing this for a long time. Minus the pilgrims achievements, I haven't even logged in for over a month. Anyway grats to you guys who are gaining on me :D, I may work on this toon some more in the...
  9. Most amount of tabards available at 19?

    I just checked and was about to be like... wtf?!? But he has skyguard. I meant Shattered Sun Offensive.
  10. World Explorer @ 19

    I did mine w/o summons. I used a 3 seater mammoth on my main which is on a second account. You could do it just through running for exploration as well but that would be rough. And ofc there are a few areas that needed summons from a lock if you didn't have a raf acct. (All this was doable legit...
  11. Most amount of tabards available at 19?

    So what is the deal with the SSO tabard? It was posted in an earlier thread that you could get exalted with SSO but never verified? Anyone have some new info they aren't talking about? ;)
  12. World Explorer @ 19

    You didn't need to use an exploit to get it. You just needed to be careful to level on only discovery xp. You could do it and level to 16 minimum. I did mine and got to 17 (with hunter quests etc) and had all of 18 and 19 to finish, back before xp lock.
  13. Achievment points wowhead

    haha your'e welcome. saw your thread :D
  14. Achievment points wowhead

    Actually yes, I had somewhere in the neighborhood of 460 quests on horde side before I changed over. I'll probably be able to give you an exact number when I get back because I am under the impression that the counters are just separate for each faction. When I faction changed I still had...
  15. Achievment points wowhead

    Sounds like fun. I'll have to try that when I get back to horde on the first :D
  16. Level 70 swords for your twink?

    You didn't use the rod to summon the satyr? Brutal.
  17. Level 70 swords for your twink?

    I dunno, but I have one thing to say in response to your remark. Obsessive Compulsive Disorder. I'd do it :P
  18. Level 70 swords for your twink?

    K so I just have to ask, what is with all the cloak and dagger stuff Rayu? :P I say SS or it didn't happen. If you did get it, I'm assuming one of the very first things you did was SS it, then there is the fact your armory doesn't show the rep. And if you did have it reported but then...
  19. Shadowfang drops from...

    I had perfect falcon and monkey wranglers drop for me in southern barrens while I was farming chens empty keg for my ambassador title before faction change was available. Oh and I got some perfect stam bracers earlier today for like 15s :D I was stoked. Just thought I'd take a moment to gloat...
  20. Anyone have get to the choppa@19 and is it still possible to obtain?

    The World of Warcraft Armory The World of Warcraft Armory The World of Warcraft Armory The World of Warcraft Armory The World of Warcraft Armory The World of Warcraft Armory that's just a few of them that I know of :D