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  1. WTF is up with . . .

    Who cares if you have an alt? Its the current toon your playing on, thats all that matters. If someone kills your 19 twink, you don't come back with.. "You would /spit on me if you were fighting my 80 pally. I would own your ass nub." I hate it when people say that, if your sucking...
  2. Fc Druid Talents

    That's what I thought, but a couple of things I have thought differ from the rest of the general community. Thanks.
  3. WTF is up with . . .

    First off, I don't spam emotes, nowhere In my post do I say that. I /lick and stuff to scare them and let them know my presence, and cuz its fun but I don't /lick x40. HOWEVER, who says spamming emotes IS infact noobish? Who made you KING OF WOW? Its something allowed ingame, and...
  4. Fc Druid Talents

    So I've got a fc cow druid twink in the works, (2255 hp unbuffed bear form) and was just wondering on talents. With what I saw, 3/3 in thick hide only raised my d from 50 to 55% reduction. So I'm trying to decide whats better 5% damage reduction or 30% cheaper shifts Come...
  5. WTF is up with . . .

    Nice double post. Also, I thought draynor wanted this to be a troll free flame free enviroment? I believe you just bated me, you flat out called me a noob for no reason, and your quite assinine and elitist in nearly all your posts that are not your own topic. Your the reason people think...
  6. 100 HP to chest is back

    LMAO, I'm saving that pic. Full of win Ramune. Full of win.
  7. WTF is up with . . .

    Wow... someone is a little buttsore. First off this is just a game. Meant to have fun. I personally use alot of emotes AND know how to play my class well and I'm a rogue. Just cuz you get owned by some "sorry twink" who uses emotes, doesn't mean you should come here to qq and rage. This...
  8. Its not really that terribad an idea.....

    Yes, Its obviously going to be 15-ish different, but its still not to bad. I tested it outat 16, live style. Maxxed my 1h mace and unarmed. fougth with crappy gear, and beleive it or not, was doing a diffrence of about 10 raw numbers per strike. Better yet, the mace was much slower, so I...
  9. Its not really that terribad an idea.....

    Yeah, lol. I partied with a guy in RFD who used a shovel on a war, and I was all "WTF?". Realized it was a mace later, and actually had awesome stats, just funny look. I've ran som many build with this on char dev, and just dont see a problem. It will have to wait till I can test...
  10. Its not really that terribad an idea.....

    Can't say it enough Fuzzles my good friend, I'm not trying to be like Mike. That was the other guy, I simply linked his post for refrence and kudos to the original idea, I just improved it. I looked at your build cool, and we have a few diffrences, you went cobrahs grasp i went...
  11. Its not really that terribad an idea.....

    Coolzo its ok, but again, I'll take the fishing hat, and I don't have access to those BoA items, as I don't have an 80, just a 70. Plus I'm not down with the sheild, even tho I know it gives bomb stats. I got cavedweller bracers, shoulders, and the gautlets today, raised my fishing, first...
  12. Its not really that terribad an idea.....

    I didn't realize people don't read words right infront of them. >.> Again, as I said, I'm going to be pally. The fact that a warrior would be completely worthless with this build was something I saw months ago, with the mike tyson post. Again, like I also said, Im not trying to be...
  13. Its not really that terribad an idea.....

    Not totally true. At lvl 1 unarmed does 1 still. Some of those daggers and 1h swords people start off with do .9 damage. I also don't care to immulate the "Baddest Man on the Planet", I just linked the other guys idea, I simply like the unarmed bit. And yes, it is obvious, but I...
  14. 19 Rogue Professions (need some opinions)

    Idk, as a rogue you can do em all, if you have the right gear. I feel a sick satisfaction by wearing gear that has "Made by Jamool" on it, and its epic gears. So i picked up lw first, to make gear as I lvled, along with skinning. Made my deviate scale belt, and dropped it for...
  15. Its not really that terribad an idea.....

    Lol, because I lifestealed the wingblade on accident, and I don't have the money to buy another for the thf blade, and I'm not putting a proc in my offhand when it wont hit but half the time and proc but 1/4 the intended time. Kinda f'd myself over on that one, but it still works. And I'm...
  16. Its not really that terribad an idea.....

    Well It certainly wont be the best, but to copy and paste the equation a fellow twinker came up with, math not included, and this is based on the original idea with a war, so needless to say, mine would be higher by atleast 15% via Divine Str Talent Unarmed - Damage 64-121 Speed...
  17. Its not really that terribad an idea.....

    It would be nice to read the topic I linked. Yes it really works.
  18. Its not really that terribad an idea.....

    Hi, new to this place. Lurked some, like twinks, enjoy bgs, been playing wow less then a year, here is one of my twinks. Jamool - 19 Troll Rogue Twink (I've rolled a budget twink hunter in the past, BE 19 brackett) Yes, I know the standard and norm, but I'm not giving up my...