WTF is up with . . .

I just gotta say what the fuck is up with people who use all kinds of /spit /chicken and /y YO U LO SE macros. Can we grow up a bit? It's even worse when the person useing them are mediocre at best. Spend less time writing emote macros and more time learning to play ur twink.
Mate you know this game has no age limits right?

Spend less time QQing about this and more time PewPewing these noobs, for your own good.
i always counter these macros with a quick and humiliating roflstomp.

it usually shuts them up. Or a quick /facepalm. I agree the people who use them are usually no-skill hunters or rogues.
Rivfader said:
I just gotta say what the fuck is up with people who use all kinds of /spit /chicken and /y YO U LO SE macros. Can we grow up a bit? It's even worse when the person useing them are mediocre at best. Spend less time writing emote macros and more time learning to play ur twink.

You need to spend less time raging about it and more time ignoring them. The entire point of them is to troll you, which they've successfully done.
Omgimarogue said:
i always counter these macros with a quick and humiliating roflstomp.

it usually shuts them up. Or a quick /facepalm. I agree the people who use them are usually no-skill hunters or rogues.

Yes I use /facepalm followed by a swift /ignore.
Omgimarogue said:
ooh /ignore sounds nice! I'm gonna start using that. It works for players of the opposite faction right?

Nope. Get IgnoreMore, it ignores by string input, so it ignores Iat-Spinebreaker as opposed to Iat, and it won't attempt to send them a message that you're ignoring them, it will just ignore them.
iaccidentallytwink said:
Nope. Get IgnoreMore, it ignores by string input, so it ignores Iat-Spinebreaker as opposed to Iat, and it won't attempt to send them a message that you're ignoring them, it will just ignore them.

thanks alot man. now i'll never get /chicken /chicken /chicken /chicken /chicken /chicken /chicken /chicken /chicken /chicken /chicken /chicken /chicken /y YOU LOSE ever again!!
Omgimarogue said:
thanks alot man. now i'll never get /chicken /chicken /chicken /chicken /chicken /chicken /chicken /chicken /chicken /chicken /chicken /chicken /chicken /y YOU LOSE ever again!!

They don't say /y YOU LOSE fyi.
iaccidentallytwink said:
They don't say /y YOU LOSE fyi.

oh i know. It makes it even more sad that they look up the letters they need to say to make it say you lose. Thats why i like to /facepalm
i just hit the "report for spamming" button. same as an ignore, and if enough people do it they get banned.

I think my method wins :)
Wow... someone is a little buttsore. First off this is just a game. Meant to have fun. I personally use alot of emotes AND know how to play my class well and I'm a rogue. Just cuz you get owned by some "sorry twink" who uses emotes, doesn't mean you should come here to qq and rage. This isn't a forum for your bitching and complaining to something unrelated to actual twinking, wow has their own forums for that, with people more suited to your mindset.

I love to stealth to the enemy fc, and /lick, /kiss, /invisible buttsecks them. Its fun. Its a game. GET THE FUCK OVER IT.

Also, contray to popular beleif, if anyone does /yell h e l l o a l l u a l l y , they STILL Cannot understand you, unless you figure out what means what, your not communicating, like i used to know the common word for lol, i think its "bur" but it escapes me at this point.
Jamool said:
Wow... someone is a little buttsore. First off this is just a game. Meant to have fun. I personally use alot of emotes AND know how to play my class well and I'm a rogue. Just cuz you get owned by some "sorry twink" who uses emotes, doesn't mean you should come here to qq and rage. This isn't a forum for your bitching and complaining to something unrelated to actual twinking, wow has their own forums for that, with people more suited to your mindset.

I love to stealth to the enemy fc, and /lick, /kiss, /invisible buttsecks them. Its fun. Its a game. GET THE FUCK OVER IT.

Also, contray to popular beleif, if anyone does /yell h e l l o a l l u a l l y , they STILL Cannot understand you, unless you figure out what means what, your not communicating, like i used to know the common word for lol, i think its "bur" but it escapes me at this point.

Nerd Rage More Emote Spamming Noob.
Grunge said:
i just hit the "report for spamming" button. same as an ignore, and if enough people do it they get banned.

I think my method wins :)

No, Report Spam does nothing because it takes >10 people for him to get investigated. So for WSG that's useless and the ignore wears off when you log.
Nice double post. Also, I thought draynor wanted this to be a troll free flame free enviroment? I believe you just bated me, you flat out called me a noob for no reason, and your quite assinine and elitist in nearly all your posts that are not your own topic. Your the reason people think twinks are all dickhead elitist.
Jamool said:
Nice double post. Also, I thought draynor wanted this to be a troll free flame free enviroment? I believe you just bated me, you flat out called me a noob for no reason, and your quite assinine and elitist in nearly all your posts that are not your own topic. Your the reason people think twinks are all dickhead elitist.

I didn't bate you. You spam emotes like a noob, so I assumed you are one. I don't act elitist, I act rude towards people who sounds rude, just how you were raging about the OP falling for your trolly emotes. If you want to see elitist go visit the Public Rampage Forum.

tl;dr - Cool Story Bro.
I tend to just kill them repeatedly for a few minutes if they /emote spam me D:
First off, I don't spam emotes, nowhere In my post do I say that. I /lick and stuff to scare them and let them know my presence, and cuz its fun but I don't /lick x40.

HOWEVER, who says spamming emotes IS infact noobish? Who made you KING OF WOW? Its something allowed ingame, and something created for fun. If someone wants to spam, kill them, and make them stfu. If you fail while killing, all the more funny that they spam you, cuz you suck. Then you come to forums to bitch?

Umad cuz Ubad?

You can't say the OP has a valid point, that this totally belongs in these forums, and This is all what were about here at, crying about the "scrubs" who pwn us?

Emotes are fun and amazing, just becuase you can't multitask and emote and play at the same time doesn't mean everyone who is and can are nubs. Spending more time learning to play our twink instead of macros? This game isn't hard. If you think it is, go play ff11. It doesn't take long to master a twink. Hell, I've been playing 3 months, and it takes 3 days to make one. Knowing what your doing before doing it aka planning, really helps. Some people know how to play their twinks in a few hours time. Then GASP, we need more things to do.

Excellent example. I saw a 1900 hp human pally spamming chicken, I thought it was funny myself, others called him an idiot, then they 3v1 him, he pops battle standard, and owns the three of em. Yeah, he is a nub for sure, been playing like 2 hours on that toon. Standard is for nubs, takes no skillz to gets. He needs to learn how to play his twink. Fo Sho >.>

(( not all of this is directed at you iaccidentallytwink, with your amazing perception, I'm sure you will see that, and not argue the things not directed at you. Not calling out one- person per-se, but arguing the topic at hand, in general.))
iaccidentallytwink said:
No, Report Spam does nothing because it takes >10 people for him to get investigated. So for WSG that's useless and the ignore wears off when you log.

*shrug* my ignore list is pretty full, i save space by reporting spam.

Just what i do to deal with people of that sort.
Meh just keep going on with the BG/arena or w/e you are in. If they want to spam rude emotes, thats their reward.

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