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  1. PvE - Gearing your 19 PvE

    So i did not take the time to read through the 10 pages of arguments about whether or not pve is fun or not so im not sure if anyone has posted this yet. A really good way to get def and hit rating for tanks and dps is the food from the midsummer festival. 20 hit rating 20 def. this could be a...
  2. LOL wow freakout.

    This guy needs some friends imo. I wonder what he did when he found the video on youtube?
  3. Need help with a rogue macro!

    Yeah I think outfitter is the way to go here just make a new outfit that activates when you stealth but make sure you only change weapons because the gear wont change until you are out of combat.
  4. Gutterblade soon to be ally rogue staple?

    Gah I had forgoten about wingblade being horde only. Pretty useless comparison considering that....
  5. Wsg time limit 20 mins = Arcade game?

    Im not really sure. It seems like a pointless change that takes most of the fun out of WSG. hopefully enough people will complain on the forums to get them to either make it a longer time limit or revoke the change fully.
  6. Gutterblade soon to be ally rogue staple?

    After much quiet contemplation, rogues now possess the ability to learn how to use one-handed axes. Ive been reading twinkinfo for quite a while but until today not made an account to post on the forums. After I saw this change I went straight to wowhead to do some searches on 1h axes in...